Adherence to integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) guidelines by community health workers in Kano State, Nigeria through use of a clinical decision support (CDS) platform 2024, BMC Health Services Research Show abstract Infant mortality in Italy: large geographic and ethnic inequalities 2024...
The preliminary research evidence, i.e., overview of yoga efficacy on NCDs, CDs, and well-being was recorded to develop the yoga strategies. The common approaches are also suggested to implement the strategies for SDG3 promotion.Kumar, Narottam...
dengqiang_12 活跃吧友 4 [古典]约翰·埃利奥特·加德纳(John Eliot Gardiner) - 巴赫康塔塔录音专辑(J.S. Bach · Cantatas Vol.1-28)[SDG.56CDs.FLAC] 15楼2024-03-08 12:19 回复 liyubd 知名人士 11 谢谢分享 16楼2024-03-09 23:52 回复 ...
Wild-type or mutated CDS of OsSUF4 fused with a HA-tag were cloned into the pU1301 vector and used as effectors. Levels from 14-day wild-type seedlings were excised and incubated in enzyme buffer A (1.5% cellulose RS, 0.3% macerozyme, 0.1% pectolyase, 0.6 M mannitol, 10 mM ...
ZFQXOMDF4.5HBSCDS 蒸发器芯 YXG-JF432 油箱盖 G0850020252A0 右前挡泥板 G0850020251A0 左前挡泥板 1318629201012 减震器/6*4 G0130210136A0 发动机进水软管 1B24054320006 右轮前挡泥板 JHC1360-3001024 转向节上臂*5T*弯 17ZBD113-03025 变速操纵器总成 1B24054320005(1B24984310037) 左轮前挡泥板 商品推荐 ...
The Moran's I and Z-value also increIansethdisbyparpemer,ogvlionbgatlhspe aetdiagleaaurteoacofrroremlatthioenwishuosleedartoeaa.nIat lcyaznebtheesepeunbtlihcaotpthene espdagceeasrienathheasbauigltr-euapt ainreflauaenndceeodngethaereaauotfoDcoerqrienlagt.ioWneoafnpaulybzleicdstphaecsepsaotifatl...
CDS0601-NTR 雅培医疗用品 (上海)有限公司 国械注进 20203130325 根 270000 C02030805600001116220000001 经导管主动脉瓣膜系统 TAV21 上海微创心通医疗科技有限公司 国械注准 20193130494 套 187000 C02031700400000116220000001 瓣膜球囊扩张导管 VP-26040 上海微创心通医疗科技有限公司 国械注准 20193130494 套 11000 C...