翻译asdfdsf 热度: Training 1-合同翻译入门、总体结构和定义-rev 1 热度: 英语专业翻译【课件】 热度: 5.Whatalovelyparty!It’sworth(牢记一生). 46.Thoughyoustayintheseaforweeks,youwillnot(失去联系)theoutsideworld. 47.Canceris(仅次于)heartdiseaseasacauseofdeath. ...
Water dissolves a part of nearly everything ___ it comes in contact. a. where b. that c with which d as soon as ⑤代/名+介词+which从句 He is needing a book, the name of which I don't know.(他需要一本书,可是我不明白书名。) In factories and in our daily life, there are many...