Introduction to SDF/Mol V3000 File Format What Is SDF/Mol V3000 File Format Tools for SDF/Mol V3000 File Format Stereochemistry, Chirality, Parity What Is Stereochemistry Stereoinformation Presentation in SDF/Mol File Parity and Stereo with Open Babel ...
Life Chemicals provides compound selections in a specific file format (SDF/Mol V3000, pdf, Excel or CSV table, etc.) on request. Additionally, you can visualize the desired chemical structures using a handy chemical drawing tool in our E-commerce website as well as export the search results ...
链接1: 链接2:
Opened input file './marvinjs_He_v3000.mol' Opened output file './marvinjs_He_v3000.mol.txt' Opened problem file './marvinjs_He_v3000.mol.prb' The command line used: "./inchi-1 ./marvinjs_He_v3000.mol" Generating standard InChI Input format: MOLfile Output format: Plain text Full ...
链接2: 仍以之前输出的sdf文件为例(本章中的行数均指下图中的行数): MOL文件部分 MOL文件的第一部分(图中第4行):说明化合物原子数,键数以及一些其他信息,共12个字段,前11个字段每个字段占据3个字符(含空格),第12...