基本原理本质还是纹理贴图,但纹理存的不是文字图像本身,而是SDF数据:即当前像素相对于文字的距离,以mapbox实现方案为例,位于文字内,则为192-255,否则0-191。 将SDF数据存入纹理: // createImage let { wid…
mapbox实现了sdf文字贴图的生成,大小是24*24的,以及有一个渲染的DEMO: TinySDF demo (mapbox.github.io) tinysdf的github仓库:mapbox/tiny-sdf: Browser-side SDF font generator (github.com) 其它讲解SDF渲染原理的文章: Drawing Text with Signed Distance Fields in Mapbox GL | by Mapbox | maps for ...
<scripttype="module">importTinySDFfrom'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@mapbox/tiny-sdf';...</script> In Node, you can't userequire— onlyimportin ESM-capable versions (v12.15+): importTinySDFfrom'@mapbox/tiny-sdf'; Development npmtest#run testsnpm start#start server for the demo page ...
constmap=newmapboxgl.Map({ container:"map",// container id style:{ version:8.0, sources:{}, layers:[], sprite:"https://unpkg.com/@elastic/maki@6.1.0/dist/sprite@1" }, center:[2.35,48.58],// [lng, lat] zoom:5, });
mapbox/node-fontnik master 22Branches 37Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit rafaykh90 Build and package binaries with prebuildify instead of node-pre-gyp (#… Apr 24, 2023 ddffc4f·Apr 24, 2023...
我的任务是更改Mapbox中图标图像的图标颜色。 Mapbox允许的唯一方法是使用sdf-icons(https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/layers/#paint-symbol-icon-color)。 经过数小时的搜索,我找不到最简单的实现方法。我发现了一个npm模块https://www.npmjs.com/package/image-sdf,但是在将其命令用于png...
We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. This page is based on OpenStreetMap, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. Edit This PlaceSDF office Satellite Map© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and MaxarOther Places Named SDF office...
Xingwen Satellite Map© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and MaxarAlternative NamesChinese: 星文 Chinese: 皇文 Hsing-wen SingwunOther Places Named XingwenXingwen CountyCity in Yibin, China ZhongchengLocality in Yibin, China XingwenHamlet in Lijiang, China XingwenLocality in Hunan, China...