使用SDF数据库时MS DataSet IDE生成的小BUG 个不同窗体中分别使用VS IDE生成的DataTableAdapt那套对SDF数据库进行存取时,如果在第一个窗体中对数据库进行了SQL执行的修改,之后New第二个窗体,并在第二个窗体中进行DataTableAdapt的读取操作,则读到的数据是修改前的数据。 现象搞的我非常尴尬,从代码层面找不到原因...
This dataset contains 63 signed distance function shaders collected mostly from Shadertoy. Along with the shader source files, the dataset also provides point clouds of signed distance function samples in different distributions, available as a standalone zip file of .npz files: https://drive.google...
通过Spark SQL,用户可以轻松地加载、查询和保存SDF文件。此外,Spark还支持DataFrame和Dataset API,这些API提供了更高层次的抽象,简化了数据操作过程。 Spark的内存计算能力是其最大优势之一。传统的Hadoop MapReduce需要将中间结果写入磁盘,而Spark能够将中间结果保存在内存中,从而大大提高了计算速度。对于需要多次迭代计算...
This is the official code repository for our JCGT paper on a new SDF dataset:A Dataset and Explorer for 3D Signed Distance Functions (JCGT/I3D 2022)Towaki Takikawa, Andrew Glassner, Morgan McGuireIn this work we provide a dataset and an explorer to visualize, analyze and work with signed...
dsShowDataSet[‘ClientUserName’] := DSConnectEventObject.ConnectProperties [TDBXPropertyNames.UserName]; dsShowDataSet[‘ClientUserPassword’] := DSConnectEventObject.ConnectProperties[TDBXPropertyNames.Password]; dsShowDataSet[‘ServerInfo’] := DSConnectEventObject.ConnectProperties [TDBXPropertyNames....
DataSet ds = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds); MessageBox.Show(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); 6.Shift+Ctrl+B 编译没有问题 按F5 就会出现 这个问题 只要下载 上述安装环境Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 1 和 Synchronization Services for ADO.NET 1.0 Service Pack 1 就可以...
Guys i don't see in your documentation how i can provide my own dataset. Is it the same as nerfstudio ns-process-data? I see you have a mask data in your dataset. How do i apply that mask for training?Contributor pablovela5620 commented Dec 18, 2022 Looks like they built a new ...
using (DataSet ds =new DataSet()) { adapter.Fill(ds); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Response.Write(Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["loginName"])); } } } conn.Close(); } 可以看出连接字符串非常简单,Data Source 对应文件名就是了。然后与操作 SQL...
datasetmodule可视化 一种方法是使用合适的指纹技术将化合物矢量化并评估他们之间的距离。这种方法经常被使用,但是对于人类很难直观地理解化合物之间的距离。 DrugAI 2021/02/01 2.6K0 RDKit:运用RDKit计算USRCAT(形状相似性) 数据分析 USRCAT是基于形状的方法,它的工作速度非常快。代码是免费提供的,如果要使用代码,...
Ys = np.ones(len(data_test)) dataset = dc.data.DiskDataset.from_numpy(X=Xs,y=Ys,w=np.zeros(len(data_test)),ids=data_test) #train,test split train,test = scaffoldsplitter.train_test_split(dataset) train_df = pd.DataFrame(train.ids, columns=["smiles"]) ...