python -e config/stage3_cond/ -b 32 -w 8 -r last # resuming training if third stage has been trained Training notes: The config file needs to contain the saved checkpoints for the previous two stages of training. View tensorboard logs to determine when to stop training. The ...
(SETUPHOLD (posedge D) (COND ENABLE_RB===1'b1 (posedge CK)) (::37) (::0.0)) (WIDTH (negedge RB) (::50.72)) (WIDTH (posedge CK) (::56.22)) (WIDTH (negedge CK) (::58.8)) ) ) When I compare this with the Verilog cell definition I...
If I have some incorrect exceptions in the SDC, these will not be highlighted in my post layout sims if excluded form SDF. (I guess for 2, I simply want to include libs and opcond) 3) Not directly related, but any links to best write_sdf options when using ncsim for post lay...
Insufficient responding osteoblast occurs when bone healing process is interrupted, causing obstructed bone formation with competitive growth of fibrous tissues. Therefore, two strategies for establishing a new multi-functional bone tissue substitute are: (1) adapting the shape of the cavity of bone ...
SECTION 2 Optional Translation (20 points) 中国目前已经建成1.9万公里公路。自1990年以来,中国每年都要新增3700公里公路。到2020年公路网将连接中国所有主要城市。中国公路总里程将仅次于美国,达到55000公里。 高速公路网将带来深远的影响。城市带将形成;人们的生活方式将会发生变化;枢纽城市的经济增长率将迅...
在COND AIR(调节空气)位,两个关断活门打开,加热器接通工作。该加热器在ON(接通)和OFF(关断)位之间循环,以使货舱温度保持在( ).In the COND AIR position, both shutoff valves are open and the heater is enabled. The heater will cycle ON and OFF as necessar... A. 16℃-30℃ B. 16℃...
When a timing arch of a cell has COND expressions, what delay value of these conditional expression is used for setup and hold analysis? Considering the example below, what delay value would be used by a timing analyzer to report delay of this cell considering timing arch C -> Q?
"data_path" in the diffusion config files cd train_sdf python -e config/stage1_sdf/ -b 32 -w 8 -r last # unconditional cd train_diffusion python -e config/stage2_uncond/ -b 32 -w 8 # conditional cd train_diffusion python -e config/stage2_cond/ -b ...