specify延时; 7)+delay_mode_zero,去除仿真中的延迟信息,所有的延时为0; (二)SDFannotated $sdf_annotate([sdf_file...延迟的因子。默认值是“1.0:1.0:1.0” scale_type指定在缩放比例之前使用的SDF文件里面延迟值,可能的值有“FROM_TYPICAL” Spring @Scheduled定时任务的fixedRate,fixedDelay,cron执行差异 ...
I have a problem with a sdf-annotated netlist during elaboration before simulating it with ncsim. I get the following output for severall cells during elaboration: input C,D,SN; | ncelab: *W,SDFNMX (/home/xxxxx/CORELIB_sdf3.0.v,1981|6): SDF annotation on segment 'tb_registerbank.re...
$sdf_annotate (["<sdffile>"], [<instance>], ["<config_file>"], ["<log_file>"], ["<mtm_spec>"], ["<scale_factor>"], ["<scale_type>"]); Arguments "<sdffile>" String that specifies the SDF file. Required. <instance> Hierarchical name of the instance to be annotated. ...
dc_shell > set_annotated_check 0 -setup -hold -from REG1/CLK -to REG1/D 2.4 虚假延迟计算问题 单元的延迟计算是基于单元的输入转换时间和输出负载电容,单元的输入转换时间是基于驱动单元(前一单元)的转换延迟求得的。如果驱动单元不止包含一个时序弧,那么将用最坏的转换时间作为被驱动单元的输入。当为了...
0.000::0.000)) However, when the sdf_annotation encounters these shorts, the following warning is caused: Warning-[SDFCOM_SWC] Simple Wire Connection module: usb30dll_dll_top, "instance: " SDF Warning: The path from to doesn't have a simple wire connection, delay will still be annotated....
Forgetting to specify the instance This chapter discusses ModelSim's implementation of SDF (Standard Delay Format) timing annotation. Included are sections on VITAL SDF and Verilog SDF, plus troubleshooting. Verilog and VHDL VITAL timing data can be annotated from SDF files by using the simulator's...
Annotation completed with 0 Errors and 176 Warnings SDF statistics: No. of Pathdelays = 100497 Annotated = 88.82% -- No. of Tchecks = 8036 Annotated = 0.00% The warnings are all related to VSS/VDD so I don't care for now: ncelab: *W,SDFDSM: Att...
where myasic is the top level module to be annotated. For details on specifying acc capabilites, see Ch4 and Ch5 of the VCS User's Guide. Errors: 1" Solution NGD2VER will write the following line to the timing simulation netlist: initial $sdf_annotate("design.sdf"); $sdf_annotate...
dc_shell > set_annotated_check 0 -setup -hold -from REG1/CLK -to REG1/D 2.4 虚假延迟计算问题 单元的延迟计算是基于单元的输入转换时间和输出负载电容,单元的输入转换时间是基于驱动单元(前一单元)的转换延迟求得的。如果驱动单元不止包含一个时序弧,那么将用最坏的转换时间作为被驱动单元的输入。当为了...
Paper tables with annotated results for AlignSDF: Pose-Aligned Signed Distance Fields for Hand-Object Reconstruction