使用macbookpro安装没有问题,可以完成安装,使用macmini安装,设置启动盘的时候会报错:SDErrorDomain error 108 我的解决方法是把移动硬盘的接口插在靠近hdmi那一侧雷电口。现已安装成功,有相同问题的同学可以试试这个方法。
iBoysoftto know how to fix SDErrorDomain error 104/108. Most Mac users are willing to update macOS to the latest one for enhanced performance and security, but the process doesn't always run smoothly. Some unexpected errors may occur during the process of downloading and installing macOS, and...
After the installation, it restarted and showed me an error message 'sderrordomain error 108' and I couldnt choose my macintosh hd as a startup disk. I have tried a lot of searching about this error, but it seems to occur with external ssd. Im having this problem on internal ssd. ...
How to fix SDErrorDomain error 108 for MacBook Pro M3 with terminal Authentication?Posted on Jan 6, 2024 4:21 AM Me too Reply Page content loaded There are no replies.SDErrorDomain 108 Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. ...
mnbvcxzlkjH, Thanks for those details. At this point, we suggest reaching out to us directly using this link: Get Support Take care. Reply of 1 "SDErrorDomain error 108" while trying to boot Big Sur from external ssd on MacBook Pro M1 Welcome to Apple Support Community A...
what is Run From Error: SDErrorDomain error 108 that IS my question: what is "Run From" Error: SDErrorDomain error 108 HOW do I defeat/avoid/reset it on external ssd with Mac OS 11.5.2 I think, installed and recognized by M1. 2 years ago 4537 5 New USB SSD on iMac not work...