Based off of its '80s rackmounted predecessor, the new Korg SDD-3000 has the same triple delay function squeezed into a programmable pedal. Convenience is key with the SDD-3000; all of the functionality of the original rackmount, such as a pre-amp, a fil
Digital Delay, immaculately capturing its famed analog preamp and output section. Filled with JRC-made op-amps — the same type as many classic preamp, boost, and overdrive pedals of the era — the UAD KORG SDD-3000 Digital Delay plug-in precisely emulates this ultra-musical analog circuit...
The SDD-3000 PEDAL packs all of the SDD-3000's functionality into a convenient pedal unit. Featuring a pre-amp with ample headroom, a filter circuit that modifies the feedback sound, and modulation waveforms that allow a diverse array of delay effects, it covers all of the SDD-3000's imp...
デジタル・ディレイの名機SDD-3000がペダル・タイプで復活! 求めていた“あの”サウンドがここにある。
Given the SDD–3000’s enduring popularity, it’s no surprise that Korg have decided to bring it back to production, just as they’ve revisited the past in their analogue synth line. But the new SDD–3000 is not a slavish reincarnation: yes, you get everything you need to give you th...
Korg® SDD-3000 Digital Delay M. Jud January 1, 2025 Unison-capable Delay, but is not yet native. 5 years after Apple delivered the first silicon Mac to developers, UA's plugin catalog still contains over 100 plugins that are not yet native. Every other company has now managed to adapt...
Universal Audio 宣布发布 UAD Software v9.3,带有新的适用于 UAD 硬件和 Apollo 接口的 UA 开发的 KORG SDD-3000 Digital Delay 插件。 SDD-3000 与 Korg 紧密合作开发,提供了他们 1980 年代著名的用于润色声音的 13-bit 延迟和对乐器友好的模拟前置放大器机架设备的端到端仿真。
SDD3000来源:-- 作者:-- 浏览:292 时间:2016-08-10 14:18 标签: 摘要: 【用途】 普通用途 【性能 参数】 硅 NPN 30V 0.1A 0.4W 200MHz 【互换 兼容】 3DG120C 【用途】 普通用途 【性能 参数】 硅NPN 30V 0.1A 0.4W 200MHz 【互换 兼容】 3DG120C分享到: ...
That Pedal Show - Mega Delays Part 2.1: TC Alter EgoX4 and Korg SDD3000 是在优酷播出的音乐高清视频,于2017-01-02 11:10:13上线。视频内容简介:That Pedal Show - Mega Delays Part 2.1: TC Alter EgoX4 and Korg SDD3000
Innov-X Omega-3000+SDD合金分析仪检测元素及识别合金牌号种类 Ø Innov-X 便携式XRF 合金分析仪,可分析从从镁 (Mg)到钚 (Pu)之间的所有83种元素,本机标配25种标准元素。 Ø 钛Ti, 钒V, 铬Cr, 锰Mn, 铁Fe, 钴Co, 镍Ni, 铜Cu, 锌Zn, 硒Se, 锆Zr, 铌Nb, 钼Mo, 铪Hf, 钨W, 钽Ta, 铼...