SDCCU willNEVERask you to pay a loan or deposit funds with the credit union by using a peer-to-peer payment network like PayPal or Venmo. If you are requested to do so, please be aware that this is a SCAM! To learn about current scams on the rise and how to avoid them, visitsdccu...
Get started by downloading a Workout Loan request below: Home Workout Loans Auto, Credit Card and Personal Workout Loans Home Workout Loans SDCCU wants to help keep you in your home and avoid foreclosure whenever possible. Our goal is to find an arrangement that is in the best interest of...
through superior product and service offerings. SDCCU is proud to have been votedBEST Credit Union25 years straight in the San Diego's BESTUnion-TribuneReaders Poll. SDCCU has also been votedBEST Mortgage Home Loan Lender,BEST Financial Planner,BEST Auto Loan ProviderandBEST Place to Workmultiple...