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SDB-RPSSampling ratesIntegrative ratioIn this study, three different passive sampling receiving phases were evaluated, with a main focus on the comparability of established styrene-divinylbenzene reversed phase sulfonated (SDB-RPS) sampling phase from Empore (E-RPS) and novel AttractSPE (A-RPS). ...
Uptake and release of polar compounds in SDB-RPS Empore disks; implications for their use as passive samplers. Chemosphere 75, 1-7.Shaw, M.; Eaglesham, G.; Mueller, J. F. Uptake and release of polar compounds in SDB-RPS Empore Disks; implications for their use as passive samplers. ...
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The role of hydrodynamics, matrix and sampling duration in passive sampling of polar compounds with EmporeO SDB-RPS disks. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 10, 119e128.E.L.M. Vermeirssen, J. Asmin, B.I. Escher, J.-H. Kwon, I. Steimen, and J. Hollender (2008). The role of ...