On the other hand, SD-WACCM-X DW1 also peaks above 85 km and has a latitude structure resembling the (1,1) mode but it simulates 2 local maximum of the (1,1) mode between 85 km and 92 km. Despite the differences in altitude structure, a tendency analysis and the...
Planetary-scale wavesWe present numerical simulations with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, eXtended version (WACCM-X), whose dynamics is constrained by atmospheric specifications during recent and historical solar minimum conditions. The focus of this study is to describe how various ...
Sassi, FabrizioLiu, Han-LiElsevier LtdJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial PhysicsSassi, F., and H.-L. Liu (2014), Westward traveling planetary wave events in the lower thermosphere during solar minimum conditions simulated by SD-WACCM-X, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 119, 11-26....
The Effect of the Madden- Julian Oscillation on the Mesospheric Migrating Diurnal Tide: A Study Using SD-WACCMC. YangA. K. SmithT. LiX. DouAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
(WACCM).In general,the WACCM appears to capture well the seasonal and latitudinal variations in the zonal wind component.In particular,the temporal evolution of the eastward zonal wind maximum shifts from July to May as the latitude decreases.However,the simulated WACCM meridional wind exhibits ...
We show that SAMI3/SD‐WACCM‐X captures longitudinal variability in the equatorial ionization anomaly associated with nonmigrating tides, with strongest contributions coming from the diurnal eastward wave number 2 (DE2) and DE3. Both migrating and nonmigrating tides contribute to significant day‐to...
Simulations of the Boreal Winter Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere With Meteorological Specifications in SD-WACCM-XDynamical variabilityupper mesospherelower thermosphereshort‐term variabilityWe investigate the benefit of high altitude nudging in simulations of the structure and short-term variability ...
SD-WACCM-X simulationsglobal atmospheric circulationsolar activityQUASI-BIENNIAL OSCILLATIONBREWER-DOBSON CIRCULATIONCYCLECLIMATETEMPERATUREMECHANISMMIDDLEIn this study, a global atmospheric model, Specified Dynamics Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere eXtension (SD-WACCM-X), ...