subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/Users/remi/dev/AI/stable-diffusion-webui/venv/bin/python3.10', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-r', '/Users/remi/dev/AI/stable-diffusion-webui/extensions/sd_dreambooth_extension/requirements.txt']' returned non-zero exit status 1. Launching Web UI ...
1. Failed to obtain the certificate. Error code 45: The certificate does not exist. 2. Failed to create the socket. Error code 27: Failed to obtain the original socket. Error code 29: Failed to set the socket VPN. Error code 30: Failed to set the socket port to be reusable. Error ...
errorstate = SDMMC_CmdReadSingleBlock(hsd->Instance, add); } if (errorstate != HAL_SD_ERROR_NONE) { /* Clear all the static flags */ __HAL_SD_CLEAR_FLAG(hsd, SDMMC_STATIC_FLAGS); hsd->ErrorCode |= errorstate; hsd->State = HAL_SD_STATE_READY; hsd->Context = SD_CONTEXT_NONE...
SAE 部署报错create serverless app Error. admission webhook "" denied the request: spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts[1].name: Not found: "ahas-agent-vol" 参考回答: 在部署 SAE 时出现错误“admission webhook '' denied the request:
6 years, 1 month ago. Mbed FatFileSystem and SDBlock Device unexpected behavior and errors Hello everyone, I am currently working onWIZnet WIZwiki-7500p, and in my project I need to write some files on a SD Card. The code behaves unexpectedly, as some times it works and some others ...
set if provided. The value for "credits" JSON property will be scrolled on the top of the screen while the value forprojectURLJSON property will be rendered as a QR Code in the info window. It is better provide a short URL forprojectURLso the resulting QR Code has more error ...
When a user deactivates autonegotiation to hardcode speed and duplex on ports GE1 - GE4 on a VMware SD-WAN Edge model 620, 640 or 680; on ports GE3 or GE4 on an Edge 3400, 3800, or 3810; or on an Edge 520/540 when an SFP with a copper interface is used on ports SFP1 or...
Edge-1:要驗證IPDT中的端點,請使用命令show device-tracking database interface <interface connecting to endpoint>Edge-1#show device-tracking database interface g1/0/3 portDB has 2 entries for interface Gi1/0/3, 2 dynamic Codes: L - Local, S - Static, ND - Neighbor Discovery, ARP...
1 IN_V4_PKT_HIT_INVALID_SA 1 4 IN_US_V4_PKT_SA_NOT_FOUND_SPI 9393888 <-- sub code error19 IN_OCT_ANTI_REPLAY_FAIL 342 解決方法 従来のIPSecトンネルのリカバリ 従来のIPSecトンネルを回復するには、現在のSA値関係のネゴシエーションを手動で強制的に行う必要があ...
However, starting withCocoaPods 1.5.0+(withXcode 9+), which supports to build both Objective-C && Swift code into static framework. You can use modular headers to use SDWebImage as static framework, without the need ofuse_frameworks!: ...