步驟4.右鍵點擊StorageDevicePolicies,點擊「新增」>「DWORD值」。命名為「WriteProtect」。 步驟5.點兩下「WriteProtect」,將數值變更為「0」,然後點擊「確定」。 步驟6.關閉登錄編輯程式,重新啟動電腦。 之後,重新插入記憶卡到您的電腦,您應該可以存取該記憶卡了。 方法7. 檢查並修復磁碟錯誤,解密有防寫保護的SD...
You can't format your SD card on Windows 10 as it is not showing up on Windows or you get an error that says 'Windows was unable to complete this format'. Maybe your SD card is write-protected or for other reasons that make you can't format the SD card. In that case, troubleshoo...
打开SD Card Formatter,可以看到如图4所示的界面,点击右下角Format按钮即可开始格式化。 图4 SD Card Formatter界面 当看到如图5所示界面时,表示格式化成功。 图5 格式化成功界面 在使用SD Adapter进行格式化时,可能会遇到Cannot format write protected card问题,如图6所示。 图6 SD卡写保护问题 这是由于SD Adapter本...
Windows includes a registry setting that enables write-protection for all removable storage devices. If you enable this setting, all removable devices, including SD cards, will become write-protected even when the usual hardware or software-level write protection is Off. You need to disable it to...
1. The write-protect switch of the SD card is on lock status For most SD card, we can find the write protection switch. When this switch turns on, users can only read data inside the SD card. Writing data to SD card will be disable. If we find our SD card is write protected, pl...
For example, you may format a Samsung 850 EVO micro SD cardwith 32GB of storage to exFAT for use with Mac OS X. It is possible that you will be unable to erase anything since the storage is write-protected. With the exception of the SD card in the Samsung S4/S5, the write protecti...
所以,现在您已经意识到 写保护的SD卡格式软件 无法真正格式化受写保护的SD卡,那么您必须先知道如何从存储设备中删除写保护。您可以采用以下方法从SD卡中删除写保护,并准备通过以下方式进行格式化: 写保护的SD卡格式软件:方法01.删除其物理锁定保护在使用写保护的SD卡格式软件之前,您要做的第一件事是取消写保护。
✅ SD Card complaining write protected:so when I plug in my sd card to my card reader, I can see it in file explorer, but I cannot write to it. the card is not write-protected and I tried...
As a result, the SD card won’t format. File system corruption and bad sectors. The outcome is the same: you are unable to format the SD card. The SD card is write-protected, which means formatting becomes impossible. System errors can also lead to an SD card that won’t format. ...
If the switch is in the "lock" position, the card cannot be read and you can't open, edit, or save files on the SD Card. Make sure that the SD card's slider is moved up to the unlock position. The write-protected SD card is modified in this manner to permit both reading and...