步驟7.輸入:format fs = ntfs(或format fs = exfat),然後按Enter鍵以使用NTFS或exFAT格式化磁碟機。 總結:SD記憶卡格式化 在這篇文章中,您一共認識四種SD卡格式化軟體,分別是EaseUS SD卡格式化工具、Windows磁碟管理、Windows檔案總管和Diskpart。在靈活性和操作難易度方面,EaseUS SD記憶卡格式化軟體是首選。
選擇一個新的檔案系統— FAT、exFAT或NTFS,然後點擊“確定”。 點擊“確定”彈出的警告消息,格式化將刪除所有內容。這樣就完成了檔案系統的更改。你可以在兼容設備上使用它。 或是將SD卡插入讀卡機並將讀卡機連接電腦,右鍵點選「本機」--「管理」--「磁碟管理」,選擇「格式化」。接著點擊「確定」以繼續,重設...
等待系统完成扫描和修复。 2. 格式化SD卡 (Format the SD Card) 如果SD卡中的数据不重要,可以选择格式化SD卡。请注意,格式化会清除所有数据,nulun.cn,。 在Windows中,右键点击SD卡驱动器,选择“格式化”。 选择文件系统(通常选择FAT32或exFAT),然后点击“开始”。 3. 使用数据恢复软件 (Use Data Recovery So...
步驟7:Diskpart成功建立指定分割區後,輸入format fs=ntfs,並按下「Enter」鍵。如果您傾向其他檔案系統格式,變更指令ntfs為所需格式,如fat32、exfat。 方法5:找專業的維修工具尋求幫忙 如果您的SD卡有I/O裝置錯誤,您可能很難有機會修復損毀的SD卡了。但您可以嘗試USB生產工具維修損毀的記憶卡。您可以在網路上搜...
How to Format an SD Card Over 32GB to FAT32? Download and install IM-Magic Partition Resizer on a Windows computer. Insert the SD card into the computer using a memory card reader. Open IM-Magic Partition Resizer, right-click the SD card in the software, and select 'Format Partition'. ...
SD card format tool #4. DiskGenius Free Edition DiskGenius Free Editionis a versatile tool for partition management, data recovery, data backup, and disk utilization on Windows-compatible devices. The formatting feature allows you to format various devices to FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, or EXT4. This ...
2 Tools to Format SD Card FAT32 on Windows 10/11 (Including over 32GB) Third-party format software can format SD card to FAT32 regardless of its storage capacity, while Windows built-in methods can only format SD cards over 32GB to exFAT by default. ...
EaseUS Partition Master is a powerful software. Other features of this software include to: Format SD card FAT32 Check diskand fix the corrupted file system Convert dynamic disk to basicand vice versa Resize, move, delete, and create partitions ...
How to Format an SD Card on Mac Insert the SD card into the SD card slot. OpenFinder. ClickGoand chooseUtilities. Double-clickDisk Utility. Select the SD card. Click theErasetab. Click theFormatdropdown arrow and chooseExFatto format the SD Card so it works on Windows and Mac. ...
Fix 5. Format SD card to a compatible file system If you can’t access SD card Windows 10/11 because of the file system of your SD card is not compatible with the Windows OS, you can format it to another file system which can be recognized by Windows OS. ...