co-generation power p co-link international co-localization co-operative housing co-ordinated african co-ordinating committ co-ordinating working co-ordinativeactivity co-ossification co-president co-receptor co-rotational derivat co-scheduling co-surety co-transference co-twin co-variation co laois ...
of ‘disability’ in the coming survey having regard to the international trends, prevailing [...] 政府统计处会 因应 国际的趋势,香港特区的现况及持份者的意见,以检视这次统计调查的残疾定义。 [...] development policies and measures (SD-PAMs) should...
Machine Turned Parts News Temasek and Hopu Plans to Purchase a $213m Stake in Yashili International Müller Wiseman Dairies Commenced Production at Its £17m Butter Plant The Deals Would Mark The First Time Buyers in China Had Secured LPG From Iran ...
SDHG International Securities is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shandong Hi-Speed Holdings Group Limited (stock code: 412.HK). SDHG International Securities has the full support of the group, and cooperates with other licensed financial services business of the group to provide customers with high-...
@article{ju2023humansd,title={Human{SD}: A Native Skeleton-Guided Diffusion Model for Human Image Generation},author={Ju, Xuan and Zeng, Ailing and Zhao, Chenchen and Wang, Jianan and Zhang, Lei and Xu, Qiang},booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Visi...
International Potato Center (CIP). Potato Facts and Figures. 2016. Available online: (accessed on 5 June 2018). Haverkort, A.J.; Boonekamp, P.M.; Hutten, R.; Jacobsen, E.; Lotz, L.A.P.; Kessel, G.J.T.; Visser, R.G.F.; van der Vossen,...
Guidebook on Mapping Groundwater Vulnerability; International Association of Hydrogeologists, Ed.; Verlag Heinz Heise: Hannover, Germany, 1994. [Google Scholar] Huang, Y.; Cai, M.T. Methodological Guidelines-Vulnerability Assessment of Freshwater Resources to Environmental Change; United Nations ...
La Conférence internationale sur l'innovation technologiquenovations and Social Development, organized by the International Research Enthusiast Society Inc will take place from 17th November au 18 November 2017 at The Heritage Hotel Manila in Pasay, Philippines. The conference will cover areas like chemi...
Beiträge zur regionalen und lokalen Forschung und zum internationalen Vergleich, München 1996, S.99-122. Ders.: Administrative Eliten in Demokratie und Diktatur. Beamtenkarrieren in Baden und Württemberg von den zwanziger Jahren bis in die Nachkriegszeit, in: Rauh-Kühne, Cornelia/Ruck, ...
109 Amar L, Pacak K, Steichen O, et al. International consensus on initial screening and follow-up of asymptomatic SDHx mutation carriers. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2021; 17:435–44. 110 Tufton N, Sahdev A, Akker SA. Rad...