Gold Artifacts from the Early Scythian Princely Tomb Arzhan 2, Tuva—Aesthetics, Function, and TechnologySIBERIA (Russia)TUVA (Russia)SAINT Petersburg (Russia)TOMBSGOLDGOSUDARSTVENNYI Ermitazh (Russia)MANUFACTURING processesSURFACE morphologyGOLDWORK...
Scythian burial.Reports on the discovery of a 2,500-year-old mummy of a Scythian noblewoman in a log tomb in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia, Russia. Artifacts found in the tomb; Description of the mummy; Preservation efforts in Moscow.Bahn...
The article analyzes the bridle bronze plates depicting the legs of hoofed animals. Three motives are among them: 1 – the hind legs with a portion of rump, 2 – a single leg, 3 – the image of the hoof. The findings date back to the 5th-4th centuries BC. The earliest artifacts are...
In Northern Black Sea steppes were excavated more than three thousand Scythian burial mounds. In the studied burials were discovered large quantities of artifacts, but leather and textile items are preserved only in a few cases. Some ideas about Scythian costume are found in the works of Greek ...
Scythian burialReports on the discovery of a 2,500-year-old mummy of a Scythian noblewoman in a log tomb in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia, Russia. Artifacts found in the tomb; Description of the mummy; Preservation efforts in Moscow.Bahn, Paul G...
The ceramic and metal artifacts found under the barrow were considered during the study of the material culture of the Scythians of the last third of the 1st millennium BC. The thorough analysis of the stratigraphy, planigraphy, funeral rite and artifacts showed that barrow 20 near Semenovka ...
Absolute dating is particularly important because the discovered artifacts (especially the most common handmade ceramics) do not show large chronological diversity. The use of the zolnik was estimated at 250–300 years, i.e. between 7th/6th and 4th/3rd century BC. Stratigraphic observations and ...
It is concluded that the Scythian people of the Middle Dnieper for making stone sculptures, most likely used the local rocks outcrop near the places of production and further location data artifacts. The raw material for works of stone sculpture served Archean granites and Neogene limestone - ...
We have examined three representational artifacts of the fourth century B.C.E. that I regard as illustrations of the Scythian genealogical legend as reflected in the version H-II. On the one hand this interpretation reinforces the credibility of the mythological theme preserved by Herodotus and ...
artifacts. Those objects demonstrate Scythian knowledge and mastery of metal casting, plastic shaping, joining, decorative, and finishing techniques. Furthermore, the Scythians did not limit themselves tometalwork; other unearthed materials includewood,leather,bone, beads of carnelian, amber, and ...