Thank you for the review :) We forward it to the team! IWINGAMES,2020/09/17 Released finished game EDIT: Nevermind I’m dumb You can’t use “2 move” action on the same unit (character or worker). Turn 1 of game 1 and I can’t move my character 2 spaces to pick up encounter...
This is again a solo review and the interaction you have throughout the game against the Automa is crazy. I thoroughly enjoy being able to move the other pieces of the game aside from my own pieces. The overall interaction is perfect to me regardless of how many automas you play against...
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This insert is designed to be compatible with Scythe, and the Invaders from Afar expansion.The design provides both efficient storage and improved game play. Many of the trays can be utilised during the game, and they greatly aid set-up and clear-away times. The rules act as a lid on to...
It's a lot to take in at first, and there are a multitude of things you need to keep in mind in order to do well. But in a game with so many complex, interlocking parts, it’s striking how simply the turn structure works. Everything that happens on the main board—every decision...
關於Scythe: Modular Board (鐮刀戰爭:模組化地圖)的介紹影片 Review of the Scythe Modular Board Expansion - Hard 2 Master / Love 2 Hate SCYTHE Modular Board Expansion Review SCYTHE: MODULAR BOARD - Board Game Review The Scythe: Modular Board - Played and Reviewed ...
Board Gaming Game Review: My Little Scythe Pie in the Sky Expansion April 20, 2020 Isaac Villa 0 Who doesn’t love a good expansion to their favorite board game? One of the more popular games for the younger players in our circle has got to be My Little Scythe. Designed by Hoby ...
board games, it feels just right in Scythe. The achievement system means that no matter which path to victory you take, you’re going to end the game just as you are starting to run out of things to do. It’s finely tuned in a way that few board games are, with just enough ...
(2016)游戏评价,你也学没玩对 Scythe Board Game Review: You're Playing This Wrong 24:58 《钢铁收割》的世界(镰刀战争衍生及时战争电子游戏)The Worldbuilding of Iron Harvest 10:22 《镰刀战争》的故事【1】 - Age of Industry The Lore of Scythe - Episode 1: Age of Industry 08:30 《镰刀战争》...
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