SCY BURLINGAME, CA RB RACHEL BARKAN Palo Alto Stanford Aquatics Points scored – Avg. performance 175.5 Entries 2 Personal best – Season best – Times №EventHeatLaneTimeImpPlaceScoreFINA #1550 Y FreeTimed Finals6238.32-0.1%6th–171 #9200 Y BreastTimed Finals643:39.72–8th–180 ...
2015 PC BAC SCY C/B/A+ Completed Oct 31–Nov 1, 2015 SCY BURLINGAME, CA Meet Dashboard EW Elee Wong Palo Alto Stanford Aquatics Points scored – Avg. performance 538.5 Entries 4 Personal best 1 (25%) Season best – Times №EventHeatLaneTime Flags ImpPlaceScore FINA #61 100...
In contrast, sharks that swim slowly – for example, cat sharks (Scyliorhinidae)– have fewer riblets on their long, pointy scales. Por otro lado, los tiburones que nadan despacio – por ejemplo, los esciliorrínidos (Scyliorhinidae)– tienen menos crestas en sus largas y punteagudas...
swim bladderliveryolk sacTemperature requirements for growth, reproduction and formation of macrothalli of a day-neutral strain of Scytosiphon lomentaria from the Gulf of Thessaloniki were experimentally determined and correlated with the geographic distribution in the North Atlantic Ocean. The micro...
It is suitable for weaving sports tights, such as swimsuits, ski suits, lingerie, etc. Depending on the purpose, choose appropriate core and outer yarns for the wrapped yarn, which have a higher strength than any single yarn. 1, Polyester ACY yarn Processing: Polyester ...
(3)我有许多连环画。I have___ ___comic books.(4)为什么不周五去呢?___ ___go on Friday?(5)我想要学习怎样游泳。I’ll learn how___ ___. 答案(1) are going to(2) cinema with(3) lots of(4) Why not(5) to swim略
28.87 1:28.87 MN Farmington Tigersharks Swim Cl 22.14 2004 MN Minnesota SC Senior State 18 Wolff, Tony 17 Cummings, Will 9 1:28.95 1:28.95 WV Huntington YMCA/Charleston AT 22.57 2004 FG YMCA Nationals Short Cour 18 Brooks, Payton 18 Aburahma, Zach 10 1:29.37 1:29.37 OH Powel Crosley,...
二、刘保建的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,刘保建目前有10个商业合作伙伴,包括刘现允、李善银、岳增才等。 财产线索 线索数量 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 股权穿透图 挖掘深层股权结构 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了解老板合作关系 ...
The remaining athletes will swim SCY. The 12&U 400 Free as well as the 13-14 and Open 400IM and 400 Free will be conducted as timed finals on Friday evening in LCM. The Open 800/1000 and 1650/1500 Free will be conducted as timed finals with one heat (8) swimming with finals in ...
英文 Scyliorhinidae +添加翻译 西班牙文-英文字典 noun AGROVOC Thesaurus 显示算法生成的翻译 将“Scyliorhinidae"自动翻译成 英文 Scyliorhinidae Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 类似于 "Scyliorhinidae" 的短语,可翻译成 英文 Squalidae scyliorhinidae ...