N Z A DISPLACEMENT 6.498 cm³ POWER 830 CV ENGINE Longitudinal V12 ESSENZA SCV12 Automobili Lamborghini presents the Essenza SCV12, the track-only hypercar in a limited edition of 40 units, developed by Lamborghini Squadra Corse and designed by Lamborghini Centro Stile. Essenza SCV12 customers ...
E S S E N Z A 排量 6.498 cm³ 功率 830 CV 发动机 纵向布置 – V12 IDS ESSENZA SCV12 Automobili Lamborghini推出的Essenza SCV12,作为赛道型超级跑车的限量版本,仅生产40台,由Lamborghini Squadra Corse和Lamborghini风格中心设计而成。Essenza SCV12的客户将加入一个独家俱乐部,该俱乐部将开展在世界所有最...
Mitja Borkert, Head of Lamborghini Centro Stile, remarked:“I was excited about this project from the very start, because it would allow us to create a car that was different but at the same time unmistakably Lamborghini, extreme but stylistically very clean, as a real racing car should be....
Automobili Lamborghini presents the Essenza SCV12: exclusively for track use and with engineering solutions derived from racing, this hypercar produced only in 40 units delivers over 830 CV.
Urus Performante Essenza SCV12 is the result of a close collaboration between Lamborghini Centro Stile, the Ad Personam department, and the customers, who had the unique opportunity to configure their SUV vehicle with details inspired by their Essenza SCV12. ...
The SCV12 is equipped with the most powerful naturally aspirated V12 ever developed by Lamborghini, capable of exceeding 830 CV. The V12’s power will be discharged to the ground by a new six-speed gearbox, derived from the one fitted on the Huracán Super Trofeo EVO combined with only re...
Lamborghini Squadra Corse’s track-only hypercar, the Lamborghini SCV12, has completed its development programme and is now ready to hit the track for its world première, scheduled for summer 2020. Fitted with the most powerful V12 naturally aspirated engine from Lamborghini to date, th...
根据兰博基尼Stefano Domenicali先生的说法,兰博基尼是个不断看向未来,并且持续寻找全新挑战的品牌,而本次所推出的Lamborghini Essenza SCV12刚好正是一款结合品牌跳脱常规精神,以及对于赛车运动热情的赛道版超跑。另外,针对原先车名SCV12正式更名为Essenza SCV12的改动,原厂解释因为这款车不仅承袭了品牌自1963年以来的...
Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 赛道专属‼️ 🌈Essenza SCV12是由兰博基尼Squadra Corse部门开发,并由兰博基尼Centro Stile设计,夸张的外形以及极富竞速感的绿色涂装非常吸睛,40辆的限量生产也意味着它只能是全球顶级富豪的专属玩具。 ‼️动力方面,配备一台V12自然吸气发动机,最大功率超过830马力,传动系统匹配的是...
文中这辆兰博基尼 Essenza SCV12 采用了鲜艳的绿色和黑色的配色方案,后部面板和引擎盖上有图案的部分,以及黑色的 19 英寸前轮和 20 英寸后轮,镁合金中央锁定轮毂。车厢内部使用了黑色的合成麂皮,上面绣有“Lamborghini Squadra Corse”的字样。车辆的设备包括OMP桶形座椅和安全带,带有集成数字读数和可切换车辆功能...