noun Also called scuzz·ball [skuhz, -bawl], a dirty, grimy, sordid, or repulsive person or thing. adjective scuzzy.Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of scuzz1 1965–70; probably by back formation from scuzzy, though relative chronology of coinage uncertainDiscover More Example Se...
The meaning of SCUZZBALL is an unpleasant, dirty, or dangerous person : creep.
origin unknown First Known Use 1962, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use ofscuzzywas in 1962 See more words from the same year Rhymes forscuzzy fuzzy See All Rhymes forscuzzy Browse Nearby Words scuzzball scuzzy ...
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The meaning of SCUZZY is dirty, shabby, or foul in condition or character. How to use scuzzy in a sentence.