Sculpteo’s online 3D printing service for prototyping and production. Get an instant quote and your parts in a few days with professional 3D printing.
Sculpteo’s online 3D printing service for prototyping and production. Get an instant quote and your parts in a few days with professional 3D printing.
Sculpteo’s online 3D printing service for prototyping and production. Get an instant quote and your parts in a few days with professional 3D printing.
Sculpteo’s online 3D printing service for prototyping and production. Get an instant quote and your parts in a few days with professional 3D printing.
Sculpteo’s online 3D printing service for prototyping and production. Get an instant quote and your parts in a few days with professional 3D printing.
Sculpteo’s online 3D printing service for prototyping and production. Get an instant quote and your parts in a few days with professional 3D printing.
令人惊讶的是,总部位于法国的知名3D打印服务提供商Sculpteo决定停止其3D打印模型在线市场。自2023年11月4日起,随着Sculpteo将重点转向核心业务服务,该市场将停止运营。2019年,公司成为全球两大化工公司之一巴斯夫的子公司。 关闭Sculpteo市场 该平台已成为 Sculpteo 产品不可或缺的一部分,为设计师和创意人员提供了销售3D...
升降手柄是滑翔伞控制的关键部件,现在受益于3D 打印的优势。Ozone 与 Sculpteo 合作设计了完全适合飞行员...
3d打印公司Sculpteo对外推出了新的3d打印材料:CarbonMide。据悉,该材料是用碳纤维增强的精细黑色塑料聚酰胺粉末(PA12)制成,具有优异的刚度、强度和抗性等优点。 据Sculpteo宣称,该材料适用于选择性激光烧结(SLS)金属3D打印机。它类似于公司的Solid Black Plastic Polyamide材料,但具有轻量化的额外优势。