记录SAP表中数据的修改历史(SCU3) SE11中创建表时,在技术设定中勾上log data changes,可以记录表数据更改历史,比如创建,修改,删除等动作。详细的方法如下: 1, 勾上log data changes 在技术设定界面中,勾上log data changes, 2, RZ10维护rec/client Tcode:RZ10 在profile中维护rec/client,激活需要记录表数据...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I have 2 custom tables. I would like to include those also in the transaction SCU3 .(Analysis of changed customising objects and tables. ) Pls let me know how can i add my custom tables so that they can also be traced. Thanks. Rohita.Reply...
SAP Managed Tags: Security Hi Ben, There is no difference between SCU3 or OY18, you can display the change documents of the tables using the tcodes, they both run the same program. But AUT10 provides us an enhanced options where we can review the changes made in other transactions as ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, Can anyone tell me if i activate table logging on a table, how would I check to see how much space is taken by any particular table i.e. is there a report, which compiles a list of table names logged and how much space each has taken?