一、LTE网络架构 LTE仅支持分组交换业务。 LTE和SAE(System Architecture Evolution,系统架构演进,包含EPC)共同构成EPS。 EPS使用“EPS承载”提供从公共分组数据网网关到用户终端的IP路由。一个EPS承载是分组数据网关和UE间满足一定QoS的IP流。E-UTRAN和EPC共同根据请求建立和释放承载。 UE:用户终端 eNode...[LTE] ...
是数据单元所使用的流内序号,接收端将基于SSN判断所接收到的数据报文顺序,完成数据单元所使用的流编号。 净荷协议标识(Payload Protocol Identifier) 是数据单元所携带的净荷内容的类型标识,由于SCTP承载的用户数据是信令,因此这个净荷协议标识指的是所承载的协议。 净荷内容是变长的,是承载的应用协议具体内容。 INIT...
Both tunnels can be statically provisioned so that they are available immediately in case of failures. Selection of the IP addresses and failover between them is standardized by SCTP protocol and, therefore, no additional mechanisms are required from the network itself, i.e. the redundancy is ...
一、传输层协议工作机制传输层的主要协议为TCP、UDP和SCTP(Stream Control Transmission Protocol,流控制传输协议)。绝大多数客户/服务器网络应用使用TCP或UDP。SCTP是一个较新的协议。UDP是一个简单的、不可靠的数据报协议。TCP是一个复杂、可靠的字节流协议。SCTP与TCP类似是一个可靠的传输协议,但它还提供消息边界...
It is expected that a user would be able to access network services in a transparent way disregarding the location. The user terminal could seamlessly use the best available access technology (e.g., WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks), LTE (Long Term Evolution), or PLC (Power Line ...
The effects of different protocol settings are investigated in details in this chapter. We have studied the performance of multihomed SCTP hosts through experimental studies in an integrated heterogeneous environment. SCTP will also play a significant role in future LTE–EPS architecture, because it ...
TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol,传输控制协议/网际协议)是指能够在多个不同网络间实现信息传输的协议簇。TCP/IP协议不仅仅指的是TCP 和IP两个协议,而是指一个由FTP、SMTP、TCP、UDP、IP等协议构...
use proto::{ClientConfig, PayloadProtocolIdentifier, ReliabilityType}; use sctp_async::{Endpoint, NewAssociation}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use bytes::Bytes; use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg}; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::net::UdpSocket; use tokio::signal; use tokio::sync::mp...
In one example, the packet filter rules may comprise a set of 5-tuple match filters for field values in an L3 header (IPv4 or IPv6) and/or L4 header (TCP (transmission control protocol), UDP (user datagram protocol), SCTP (... Mikko Tapani SUNI,Swaminathan ARUNACHALAM 被引量: 0发表:...
一、什么是SCTP: 流控制传输协议(SCTP,Stream Control Transmission Protocol)是一种在网络连接两端之间同时传输多个数据流的协议。SCTP提供的服务于UDP和TCP类似。 二、TCP和SCTP的区别: 1.TCP是一种面向连接的、可靠的、基于字节流的传输层通信协议 SCTP是基于消息流的传输层通信协议,基于消息流是指发送数据和应答...