这部由SCT电脑经销商SRR简大哥所操刀的白色S2.0 NA手动挡车款,动力改装部分,虽然只换装Cosworth进气歧管与SCT改装电脑,不过动力反应上较原厂条件好上许多,尤其在Tuner刻意调校下,只需稍微动一下油门踏板,转速立即就有反应,全力冲刺时的转速攀升速度亦较原厂轻快许多,让笔者见识到SCT电脑于动力方面的改装效果。 事实...
SCT Performance 90mm Mass Air Meter for 89-08 Mustang / 99-04 Lightning/Harley (up to 725RWHP) - BA-3000 $259.00 Add to Cart Compare Pay over time with Affirm. See if you qualify at checkout. Quick view SCT Performance | sku: SCT30604 SCT TS+ Pod Adapter (TS Gauge Tuner to...
on 19E. This made it unsuitable for other satellites or packages as the tuner was not infinitely variable. It could not be altered for other frequencies on different satellites. The dish was designed for reception of Sky TV from the UK. The price was low and affordable - for the first tim...