SCSS Lint是一个用于静态代码分析的工具,用于检查SCSS(Sassy CSS)代码中的潜在问题和错误。它的主要功能是强制要求将类名用作选择器。 SCSS Lint的作用是帮助开发人员遵循一致的命名约定和最佳实践,以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。通过强制要求将类名用作选择器,它可以确保样式规则的可重用性和模块化。 具体来说...
Therequire: falseis necessary becausescss-lintmonkey patches Sass in order to properly traverse the parse tree created by the Sass parser. This can interfere with other applications that invoke the Sass parser afterscss-lintlibraries have been loaded at runtime, so you should only require it in ...
SCSS Lint可以与各种开发工具集成,例如编辑器插件、构建工具等,以便在开发过程中自动检查代码并提供错误和警告。 腾讯云提供了一系列与SCSS Lint相关的产品和服务,例如: 云开发(CloudBase):腾讯云的云开发平台提供了一套完整的开发工具链,包括代码编辑器、代码托管、构建工具等,可以方便地集成SCSS Lint,并在开发过程中...
scss-lint是SublimeLinter的一个插件,专门用于检查Sass代码的语法错误。通过使用scss-lint插件,用户可以在编写Sass代码时立即看到潜在的错误和警告,从而避免一些常见的错误,提高代码质量。 安装scss-lint插件非常简单,只需在SublimeLinter的设置中添加以下命令即可: ```json { "settings": { "Lint.SCSS": "
This tool is powered by Stylint ( KeywordsnonePackage Sidebar Install npm i @zumerbox/scss-lint Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads 1 Version 0.1.3 License MIT Unpacked Size 64.7 ...
You can also configurescss-lintby specifying a file via the--configflag, but note that this will override any configuration files thatscss-lintwould normally find on its own (this can be useful for testing a particular configuration setting, however). Configurations loaded this way will still be...
This task requires you to haveRubyandscss-lintinstalled. If you're on OS X or Linux you probably already have Ruby installed; test withruby -vin your terminal. When you've confirmed you have Ruby installed, rungem install scss-lintto install scss-lint. ...
SCSS Lint Version: 0.52.0 SCSS Lint is a configurable tool for writing clean and consistent scss/sass. Enable the Plugin To enable SCSS Lint for your hosted analysis, add the following to your .codeclimate.yml configuration file: .codeclimate.yml plugins: scss-lint: enabled: true More info...
# scss_files: 'app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss' exclude: - 'app/assets/stylesheets/pages/emojis.scss' linters: # Reports when you use improper spacing around ! (the "bang") in !default, # !gl...
stylelint-scss introduces rules specific to SCSS syntax. That said, the rules from this plugin can be used with other syntaxes, like Less or some PostCSS syntaxes. That's why the rules' names are not tied to SCSS only (at-function-pattern instead of scss-function-pattern)....