你可以使用一个scss mixin并将其导入到这两个文件中:
你可以使用一个scss mixin并将其导入到这两个文件中:
Now if you want your sass-loader to use something other than those options you need to explicitly tell them. Hence path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules' since the utils file is in ./build and you need to use an absolute path for sass-loader to understand where to ...
import'library_name/src/assets/scss/styles.scss'; Fragment ofstyles.scsshas code like below: @import'../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss'; So, when I runwebpackcommand then I get error message: SassError: File to import not found or unreadable: ../../../n...
在SCSS中嵌套`@include`规则,可以使用`@at-root`指令来避免生成多余的嵌套规则。 具体步骤如下: 1. 首先,在你的SCSS文件中创建一个父级选择器块,使用`@at-root`...
而 LESS 和 SASS 中的 @import 是直接将导入的文件拷贝到当前文件中生成一份 CSS,所以只会请求一次...
Inside the library you can have all your relevant.scssfiles that will be used by other libraries / apps. Then, concerning theimport, you could do it in two ways, like you exposed. The first one is the deep imports../../etc/etc/variables.scss. ...
If ityes, then use partial import, ifnot, then normal import. The reason behind that is becausebrowser will loading main css (the main.scss file that import other scss files ) file first. After this main.css file loaded, then browser will start loading other css file. ...
It works, but as soon as I try to @importany other .scss file it breaks @import '../../styles/variables'; .myclass { background: $color-white; clear: both; } in variables.scss $color-white: #000; the error I get: /Users/tmaximini/data/frontend-node/node_modules/node-sass/lib...
I have only installed Dreamweaver and a few other Adobe products, I have not installed any Ruby by myself or anything. In my Dreamweaver site, I am using SCSS. The SCSS compiles when I save the file, and it works just fine mostly. However, when I add an import, it doesn...