英文名称:Information technology — Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) — Part 452: SCSI Primary Commands - 2 (SPC-2) 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2005-10-04 文档简介 1.初始化:SPC-2定义了初始化设备的命令,该命令用于设置设备的参数并建立与设备的通信连接。
SCSIPrimaryCommands-2(SPC-2) ThisisaninternalworkingdocumentofT10,aTechnicalCommitteeofAccreditedStandardsCommitteeNCITS (NationalCommitteeforInformationTechnologyStandards).Assuchthisisnotacompletedstandardandhasnot beenapproved.ThecontentsmaybemodifiedbytheT10TechnicalCommittee.Thecontentsareactivelybeing ...
Information technology - Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) - Part 452: SCSI Primary Commands - 2 (SPC-2)
U盘需要处理的命令如下: 1:inquiry:设备的一个描述,告诉host你的设备是什么,名字叫什么,用的什么协议,这里用的SCSI协议—SPC2 2:READ FORMAT CAPACITIES:读格式容量(The READ FORMAT CAPACITIES command allows the host to request a list of the possible capacities that can be formatted on the currently inst...
SPC 表示SCSI 主命令 2 (SPC-2)规格。 N 表示“否”(不检查命令的适用条件)。 “方式检测 (6)”和“方式检测 (10)”的“未就绪”条件报告仅限于使用 2/0401 相关检测数据来重置条件。 仅当“禁止”字段为 B'01' 时,才会报告 RVC 状态。如果“禁止”字段为 B'00',那么支持该命令。
SCSI命令集文档由SPC(SCSI Primary Commands)、SBC(SCSI Block Commands)、ZBC(Zoned Block Commands)、SES(Enclosure Services Commands)等构成,其中,最常使用的是SPC和SBC文档: SPC文档定义了适用于所有SCSI设备的通用命令集,如INQUERY、TUR等命令以及Sense信息格式; ...
dpANS SCSI Primary Commands - 2 (SPC-2) iii Contents Page Foreword... xiv Introduction ...
Additional Information:Test: The TD-28.25 SCSI Compliance test checks the VERSION field to make sure the device complies with the SPC-2 standard. Apply: The test sends a standard INQUIRY command. Expect: The value in the VERSION field should be greater than or equal to 0x3. ...
SPC (SCSI Primary Commands) for the primary command set SBC (SCSI Block Commands) for the disc drive specific command set The SCSI-3 standards are layered in this manner to allow substitution of parts of the structure as new technology emerges. For example, a comparable set of standards for...
SCSI-2:1994年采用,此规范包括通用指令集(CCS)——支持任何SCSI设备所必需的18个命令。在此规范中,可以选择将时钟速度提高一倍,达到10MHz (Fast),将总线宽度增加为原来的两倍,即16位,将设备数增加为15个(Wide),或者同时实现上述两种升级(Fast/Wide)。SCSI-2还增加了命令队列,允许设备存储命令,并从主机排列命令...