SCS-MP2校正能应当为1.2*-0.1496720103D+01 + 1/3*(2*-0.2551138229D+00),加到HF能量上就是...
SCS-MP2校正能应当为1.2*-0.1496720103D+01 + 1/3*(2*-0.2551138229D+00),加到HF能量上就是...
SCS0608MP2日本iwata岩田制作所固定环SCS1515SP2,SCS0815CP2 报价说明 重要提示:我们是进口备件,需要实时报价 南京玖宝机电设备有限公司王经理 TEL:1377-0506-113/ :321-502-7595 生产商:iwata,岩田制作 名称:固定环 性能 紧固方式狭缝规格带侧面安装孔
Hesselmann A, Korona T (2011) On the accuracy of DFT-SAPT, MP2, SCS-MP2, MP2C, and DFT+Disp methods for the interac- tion energies of endohedral complexes of the C60 fullerene with a rare gas atom. Phys Chem Chem Phys 13:732-743...
側面加工2孔 標準開縫環 2孔的型號SCS1310MP2頁面。 記載關於型號SCS1310MP2之規格、尺寸、型式情報。 篩選條件 清除全部選項 1有候補商品型號 顯示候補商品 有尚未確認的規格。 已確定型號 篩選規格・尺寸 類型 SCS 清除 内徑B 6 8 10 12 13 15 ...
The reference calculations have been performed with the CBS(T) method,i.e., MP2/CBS computations corrected for higher-order electron-correlation effects using the CCSD(T) method. These benchmark data have been used to examine the performance of the DFT-D, SCS(MI)-MP2, MP2.5, M06-2X ...
你好,排卵期出现这种情况考虑是排卵期出血,与您*是没有关系的。 患者 那是有什么疾病吗 李丛丛医生 排卵期出血是正常的生理现象,是排卵后激素水平突然降低引起的撤退性出血,一般会持续3~5天,量不多不是疾病。 患者 图片因隐私问题无法显示 患者 就是这样的 ...
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Revisiting the structure and dynamics of hydrated Cd2+ in aqueous solutions: Insights from the RI-SCS-MP2/MM molecular dynamics simulationhydrated Cd2+MP2QM/MM MD simulationstructure and dynamicsThe spin component scale MP2/molecular mechanics molecular dynamics simulation investigated the hydration ...
SCS-MP2MP2CCCSD(T)The physical nature of charge-inverted hydrogen bonds in H3XH. . .YH3 (X = Si, Ge; Y = Al, Ga) dimer systems is studied by means of the SAPT(DFT)-based decomposition of interaction energies and supermolecular interaction energies based on MP2, SCS-MP2, MP2C,...