猴子音悦为您提供高音质正版背景音乐下载,该纯音乐标题为苹果烈酒杰克 -- scrumpy jack,编号:46643,格式:mp3,BPM:99,时长:02:19。该音乐制作使用乐器包括:打击乐、木吉他,音乐风格:民谣、乡村,适用在故事朗诵、儿童亲子、喜剧、游乐园、儿童节、青年节、母婴广告等场景中作为配乐素材使用,营造出欢乐、浪漫、励志...
Define scrumpy. scrumpy synonyms, scrumpy pronunciation, scrumpy translation, English dictionary definition of scrumpy. n a rough dry cider, brewed esp in the West Country in England Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 201
Also known as Rough or Farmhouse cider but it generally bears little resemblance to the cider you can buy in bars, particularly Scrumpy Jack, though sometimes you can find Weston's Old Rosie which is a scrumpy of sorts. Generally it is brought straight off the farm in plastic gallon contai...
猴子音悦为您提供高音质正版背景音乐下载,该纯音乐标题为苹果烈酒杰克(60秒剪辑版) -- scrumpy jack(60-secs),编号:89133,格式:mp3,BPM:99,时长:01:00。该音乐制作使用乐器包括:打击乐、木吉他,音乐风格:民谣、乡村,适用在故事朗诵、儿童亲子、喜剧、游乐园、儿童节、青年节、母婴广告等场景中作为配乐素材使用...