华为云帮助中心为你分享云计算行业信息,包含产品介绍、用户指南、开发指南、最佳实践和常见问题等文档,方便快速查找定位问题与能力成长,并提供相关资料和解决方案。本页面关键词:scrum tools comparison。
Sprint is a predefined interval or time frame in which the work has to be completed to make it ready for review or ready for production deployment. The time box usually lies between 2 weeks to 1 month. In our day to day life when we say that we follow 1-month Sprint cycle, it simpl...
为了使事情更加直观并查看所有任务的列表和项目的进度,站立会议通常涉及卡片墙(见下文)或看板。 冲刺回顾 (Sprint Review) Sprint 回顾当然是持续改进的关键要素之一。这次重聚发生在冲刺结束时,它再次聚集了整个开发团队。通过分析图表(燃尽图、燃尽图、速度),以及自由讨论和从最近的冲刺中退一步,团队寻求改进并想知道...
Sprint 计划会议(Sprint Planning) Sprint 计划会议通过安排在 Sprint 中要做的工作来启动 Sprint。最终的计划是由整个 Scrum 团队协作创建的。 产品负责人要确保与会者准备好讨论最重要的产品待办列表项 ,以及它们如何映射到产品目标。Scrum 团队还可以邀请其他人参加 Sprint 计划会议以提供建议。 Sprint 计划会议处理...
Scrum vs. Kanban In-Depth Comparison Many similarities between scrum and kanban make them evenly matched. For one, both are ideal for lean and agile projects, limiting work in process and favoring a continuous scheduling flow as opposed to pushing through aschedule. ...
You can read more aboutagile project management,Scrumand a quick comparison ofkanban vs scrumif you want to. Sign up for free What is a scrum board? A Scrum board is a visual tool used in agile project management to track and monitor the progress of tasks in an ongoing sprint. ...
Everything you need to know about the differences between Agile and Scrum can be found by comparing theScrum Guideand theManifesto for Agile Software Development. These are the defining documents for Agile and Scrum, and should be the baseline for any technical comparison. ...
In many aspects, AWS and Azure are identical, yet they differ in others. In all honesty, putting these two platforms against one another would be an unfair comparison. After all, the cloud platform you choose is determined by your company’s requirements. Both of these systems have their own...
While most teams can benefit in some way from either, here’s an easy Agile vs waterfall comparison to help you decide which methodology is best for you: Use the waterfall methodology if… You’re working on a sequential project and no phase can begin unless the other is complete. ...
PMP® certification: A detailed comparison of approach, project scope, change management, documentation, testing, and more. Choose the best fit for success. Read More AGILE December 2023 AGILE Cracking the Code of Sprint Review Meeting: Examine its goals, outcomes, and vital participants. ...