Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. Scrum是一个轻量级的敏捷框架,通过自适应的方案来帮助人们解决复杂问题,创造价值。 Scrum是迭代式增量软件开发过程,是敏捷方法论中的重要框架之一。《Scrum-Guide》里还说明...
2.1.1 Scrum@Scale Team Container Scrum@Scale的团队容器设计十分特别,也是它的核心,所以这节会以较大篇幅去分析。从下图可以看到,Scrum@Scale组织结构里Team的最小单元是一个Scrum团队,一个Scrum of Scrum(下称SoS)的最结构是小于等于5个Scrum团队,再上一层的SoSoS也是同样的规则,可以有多层的SoSoSoS…..,所...
De Scrum of Scrums-methodologie werd voor het eerst geïmplementeerd in 1996 door Jeff Sutherland en Ken Schwaber, twee pioniers van hetScrumframework. Zowel Sutherland als Schwaber hadden behoefte aan een manier om acht business units met meerdere productlijnen per business unit te coördinere...
Scrum@Scale的团队容器设计十分特别,也是它的核心,所以这节会以较大篇幅去分析。从下图可以看到,Scrum@Scale组织结构里Team的最小单元是一个Scrum团队,一个Scrum of Scrum(下称SoS)的最结构是小于等于5个Scrum团队,再上一层的SoSoS也是同样的规则,可以有多层的SoSoSoS…..,所以Scrum@Scale的这种网状组织结构是可以...
Scrum combines four formal events for inspection and adaptation within a containing event, the Sprint. These events work because they implement the empirical Scrum pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation. 3. Scrum Framework
[4] Chouki M , Mozota B B D , Kallmuenzer A ,etal. Design Thinking and Agility in Digital Production: The Key Role of User Experience Design[J].IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , 2021, 1: 15. [5] Gurusamy K ...
Scrum知识库,Scrum资源, Scrum资料 ,敏捷开发知识,Scrum实践集,敏捷开发宣言,什么是Scrum,Scrum团队,Mike Cohn专栏,敏捷技术实践,敏捷管理实践,精益创业,用户故事,自组织。
SCRUM 框架,分別是由三個角色、四種會議及三個工作物件 (artifacts) 所組成。(所謂的 Scrum of Scrum 會:是用來協調幾個團隊間的工作) 產品所有者 (Product Owner) 產品所有者代表了客戶的意願。這保證了 Scrum 開發團隊在做從業務角度來說是正確的事情。產品所有者負責編寫產品 Backlog,並擁有排出故事的優先順序...
LeSS Framework: 如何使用Scrum管理企业級规模的开发团队,自2005年以来,CraigLarman和BasVodde一直与许多组织合作,将Scrum,精益和敏捷开发扩展到大型件集足以成功实施...
The common goal of Scrum master and products is to create viable products through the use of Scrum best practices. The two roles overlap in some of their skill combinations. Therefore, product owners and Scrum Master should make every effort to work closely in many different areas of the proje...