SCRUM‐Japan GI‐ and MONSTAR‐SCREEN: Path to Realization of Biomarker‐Guided Precision Oncology in Advanced Solid TumorsCirculating tumor DNAMulti-omicsNext generation sequencingPrecision OncologyReal-world datadoi:10.1111/cas.15132Yoshiaki Nakamura...
Comprehensive genomic profiling enables genomic biomarker detection in advanced solid tumors. Here, to evaluate the utility of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) genotyping, we compare trial enrollment using ctDNA sequencing in 1,687 patients with advanced gastrointestinal (GI) cancer in SCRUM-Japan GOZIL...
LC-SCRUM-Asia项目前身为LC-SCRUM Japan,是日本国家癌症中心于2013年与医疗机构和制药企业合作推出的基因组筛查平台,于2019年扩展到泰国、新加坡、越南、马来西亚、中国台湾等东亚地区,更名为“LC-SCRUM-Asia”,2022年,又启动了LC-SCRUM AP项目,与LC-SCRUM-Asia整合,将整个项目覆盖范围扩展到澳大利亚等亚太地区,创建了...
LC-SCRUM-Asia项目前身为LC-SCRUM Japan,是日本国家癌症中心于2013年与医疗机构和制药企业合作推出的基因组筛查平台,于2019年扩展到泰国、新加坡、越南、马来西亚、中国台湾等东亚地区,更名为“LC-SCRUM-Asia”,2022年,又启动了LC-SCRUM AP项目,与LC-SCRUM-Asia整合,将整个项目覆盖范围扩展到澳大利亚等亚太地区,创建了...
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Taiichi Ohno is credited with starting in Japan at Toyota. Its two distinguishing hallmarks are limiting the amount of work in process and visualizing work through a kanban board (similar to Scrum’s taskboard).One of the main benefits touted by David Anderson is that Kanban is a better ...
Just as they did under dal Maso four years ago, however, the Japan scrum will not be coming into the game without an idea of how to disrupt and counter the much heavier Springbok pack. “Details. We have all the patterns to deal with different situations and the players understand them....
Odd-e is a small company focusing on software quality, agile and lean development, training and coaching. At this moment, our main focus is on Scrum.
scrum(noun) 1. a)a rugby play in which the forwards of each side come together in a tight formation and struggle to gain possession of the ball using their feet when it is tossed in among them,alsothe arrangement of players in a scrum ...
Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyois organized by an enthusiastic agile community in Japan. The purpose is to provide a “Ba” (place) where practitioners share ideas among Scrum practitioners having a great diversity. Regional Gatherings provides a unique experience and even if you don’t speak Japanes...