Scrum is a framework for project management that emphasizes teamwork, accountability anditerativeprogress toward a well-defined goal. The framework begins with a simple premise: Start with what can be seen or known. After that, track the progress and tweak, as necessary. Scrum is often part ofA...
SCRUM是一个框架,专门针对复杂产品的开发和服务。 SCRUM is an agile process that allows us to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time. SCRUM是一个敏捷过程,允许我们去专注于在最短的时间内创造最大的商业价值。 What are 5 AGILE values? 什么是敏捷开发价值观? individuals a...
Scrum is a framework for effective collaborations among teams working on complex products. Scrum is a type of agile technology that consists of meetings, roles, and tools to help teams working on complex projects collaborate and better structure and manage their workload. 1. Scrum Workflow Product...
The debate over whether Scrum is a framework, methodology or an Agile process, along with debates over whetherScrum is a processor whetherScrum is a framework that includes a processtend to be unproductive. Scrum describes itself as a simple, lean, incomplete framework, and that’s a...
Brief Introduction to Scrum Framework Scrum is a framework designed to deliver software products that comprise three roles, three artifacts, and Five events. These basic elements provide a structure to manage the decisions, risks, actions, and uncertainties that come with building and maintaining a ...
Scrum: is a framework of management practices within the Agile system. Scrum 特点 The Scrum characteristics SCRUM:吸收了橄榄球比赛时间短的精髓,迭代周期较短,各项会议也力求短小精悍、言简意赅。 SCRUM翻译: 橄榄球中的列阵争球。 SCRUM 核心概念: 重视人与人之间的沟通问题和资讯传递问题。团队人员需要共同协...
Scrumis the modern way that teams manage software development projects. Part of theAgile methodology, scrum is a framework that provides core values, team structure, and a flexible workflow to meet the demands of businesses and customers while shifting with the market. ...
According to the 2022 Scrum Guide, Scrum is a framework “that helps people, teams, and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems.” While Scrum is sometimes referred to as a project management methodology, it is more accurately described as a framework. Unlike pr...
Agile is a mindset and philosophy that describes a set of principles in the Agile Manifesto, On the other hand, Scrum is a framework that prescribes roles, events, artifacts, and rules/guidelines to implement that mindset. In other words, Agile is the mindset and Scrum is the framework that...
Scrumis aframework that is used to implement Agile development. A good analogy would be the difference between a recipe and a diet. A vegetarian diet is a set of methods and practices based on principles and values. A recipe for chickpea tacos would be a framework you can use to implement...