Scrum is a process or framework for project management and is part of theAgile methodology, which differs from the previous waterfall methodology. Scrum is an approach to doing work in a team a little at a time with an emphasis on experimentation and evaluation throughout. The aim for constant...
《敏捷项目管理-(美)施瓦伯著-Scrum_Project_Management》.pdf,敏捷项目管理 陈宗斌 译 敏捷开发方法流行于那些发现传统瀑布法无法适应这个由改变、革新而驱动的世界的要求的 企业。既然敏捷开发过程带来更好的结果,那么也能将这个方法应用于整个 IT 投资组合中。 在一个企
Scrum master是Scrum模型中定义的角色,他有不同于项目经理的职责,比如他要保证团队按照Scrum模型运行,帮助团队拆分任务,是服务型领导等
Learn and expand your skill set for all things Atlassian 支持 一般查询 产品建议 合作伙伴支持 企业支持 技术支持 定价和计费 开发人员支持 购买和许可 学习 项目管理 敏捷 社区 开始使用 项目协作 团队手册 产品文档 Back 作者:Atlassian Scrum 是一组工具,可帮助敏捷团队预见和接受软件开发项目期间出现的变化。
Scrum project management is largely dependent on communication for building team collaboration and trust. The process has to be transparent, and for this type of transparency, members need to work on their internal communication skills to express the ideas and concerns properly. ...
Here are some of the best scrum tools for you to consider for your next project. And, if you’re a beginner to Scrum, you can scroll down to the end of the list for a detailed look at Scrum and its uses. Get the flexible, agile management software that your team needs ...
Apply the principles of Scrum to software project management with guidance from one of the leaders in the agile process movement. Case studies and project examples demonstrate Scrum concepts in practice and emphasize driving projects for maximum ROI. The rules and practices for Scrum—a simple proces...
Software development is a complex endeavor. So the most difficult problem is how to handle the complexity through by the science of project management. Many scientists and software engineers raised a great number of methodologies for project management such as Waterfall, UP and Agile. In contrast ...