1. 软件开发的生命周期(SDLC) (1)From 0 to 1:从无到有 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC): (2)From 1 to n:从有到好 软件在其生命周期中会有多个版本。 2. 传统的软件开发过程模型 (... 2.软件开发过程模型 目录 软件开发过程模型 1. 瀑布模型 1.1 核心思想 1.2 地位 1.3 优缺点 2. 快速...
瀑布模型[Waterfall Model]最早强调系统开发应有完整生命周期,且必须完整的经历周期中每一开发阶段,并系统化的考量分析与设计的技术、时间与资源之投入等,因此瀑布模型又可以称为‘系统发展生命周期’[System Development Life Cycle, SDLC]。由于该模式强调系统开发过程需有完整的规划、分析、设计、测试及文件等管理与控...
敏捷开发(Agile Development)是一种以人为 4、核心、迭代、循序渐进的开发方法。敏捷开发提倡的“增量迭代、及时交付”的思想。这种模式能最大程度地不偏离客户需求的本质。敏捷不是指某一种具体的方法论、过程或框架,而是一组价值观和原则。 符合敏捷价值观和原则的开发方法包括:极限编程(XP) , Scrum,精益 软件...
软件开发生命周期 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 软件开发生命周期(SDLC)是指从软件项目的初始构想到最终交付和维护的整个过程。SDLC通常包括以下几个阶段: 需求分析(Requirements Analysis) 在这个阶段,开发团队与客户沟通,了解客户的需求和期望。这一阶段的目标是明确软件的功能、性能和其他要求。 设计(Design...
The topics of the systems development life cycle, Agile principles, and the Scrum method are of critical importance to the software development success. Origami: An Active Learning Exercise for Scrum Project Management Panasonic Corporation has announced that it is forming BeeEdge, a joint venture wi...
where the Product Owner is in charge of the backlog and gives direction to the team, the Scrum Master dictates the timelines, and the development team processes the work that is agreed on during the Sprint planning. Kanban: It allows keeping the current structure without making drastic changes...
Scrum teams deliver products iteratively and progressively, ensuring a potentially valuable version of a working product is always available. Each increment of the development cycle produces a potentially helpful package that can be feedbacked on, which can then enhance all future versions until the ...
跨部门的团队:指由开发、生产、采购、财务、制造、客户服务等不同部门人员组成的贯穿整个产品开发过程的团队。在IPD中,跨部门团队有两种形式:集成产品管理团队(Integrated Product Management Team, IPMT)和产品开发团队(Product Development Team, PDT)。 项目和管道管理:项目管理指在产品概念产生到产品投放市场的过程中...
At the end of the sprint, a demo session occurs where the development team demonstrates what they have achieved. Sprint Planning Each sprint begins with a sprint planning meeting. This meeting is the place where the prioritization of features in the Product Backlog is done. The product owner...
2) 跨部门的团队:指由开发、生产、采购、财务、制造、客户服务等不同部门人员组成的贯穿整个产品开发过程的团队。在IPD中,跨部门团队有两种形式:集成产品管理团队(Integrated Product Management Team,IPMT)和产品开发团队(Product Development Team, PDT)。