Download free Scrum templates in Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, Google Sheets, and Slides formats. Get tips on using them.
使用电子白板界面同时制定多个版本的发布计划,提高效率。 通过交互式的任务板(Taskboard)、测试板(Testboard)、每日Scrum dashboard来对版本和sprint进行可视化追踪。 针对版本和sprints的关键敏捷度量数据生成图表,如Burndown、Velocity、Estimate trends、Cumulative Flow Reports。 唯一的问题就是提供的选择过多,对于寻求简...
敏捷开发:敏捷项目可视化管理-ScrumBoard(Scrum板)使用介绍2024-12-10 收起 Product Backlog 产品待办列表# 在计划开发产品功能时,都希望产品功能上线后,用户能够喜欢并经常使用。 因此在开发产品新功能时,就要衡量哪些产品需求是对用户最有价值,这是最应该思考的问题。 然后把这些有价值的需求集合放在一起。当然,...
The scrum board is a tool that also has the goal of providing transparency in the process. The board gives everyone on the scrum team visibility into who is working on what, if there are any bottlenecks, how long a team member is working on something, if any part of the workflow is bl...
通过交互式的任务板(Taskboard)、测试板(Testboard)、每日Scrum dashboard来对版本和sprint进行可视化追踪。 针对版本和sprints的关键敏捷度量数据生成图表,如Burndown、Velocity、Estimate trends、Cumulative Flow Reports。 唯一的问题就是提供的选择过多,对于寻求简单明了工具的人,并不是一个好产品!. ...
Most of the organizations have adopted it in some form or the other but there is still a long way to go in the maturity of their adoption programs. The sole aim of this series of tutorials is to onboard technology and non-technology professionals into the Agile World. ...
ScrumChartBoard A no database web page that renders charts to visualize data a scrum master would care about. It does this by loading 3 json files into the browser via ajax request. This project started as a single html page with links to images that I generated in excel. At the time ...
Track Scrum Workflows With Real-Time Dashboards You don’t want to get in the way of your self-directed team, but you need to know what they’re doing. Our real-time dashboard tracks six project metrics. There’s no setup required as with inferior products. Our custom workflows allow ...
View and run queriesfrom the web portal or from the Team Explorer plug-in for Visual Studio. Modify a query using thequery editor to apply different filter criteriaandadd queries to team dashboards. Tips for shared queries Enhance your workflow using the following tips: ...
A good Scrum Master brings out the best in the team, the project and the organization. Scrum Masters with a wealth of experience make great CIOs as they have the passion and commitment to excel, improve relentlessly and bring out the best in others. Salary: Average USD 172,327/yearScrum...