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Scrum中可以有一些基本概念,如backlog、Story、Task,Story有优先级、Task有估算时间等,这些在开发过程中都需要使用一种方式表达出来,以下为别人使用Excel对产品backlog和sprint backlog进行描述的两个示例: Simple Product Backlog Example Simple Sprint Backlog Example Scrum Rules The way of supporting 支持方法寻找...
Planned So Far:"you need to customise this to pick up information forthe person represented bythis l ine Use the initials you use to indicate this person on the Backlog,and sub them into the SUMIF formula in the cel ls to the right ' " " " "example: in =SUMIF('Sprint Backlog' ...
Bas Vodde collected and publishedexamplesandtemplatesof the Scrum product and Sprint backlogs. Most of them are in MS Excel format. Some (XLS) include a lot of comments, some (XLS) are very colourful. Check them out, Excel can really cover most of the needs of the archived backlog trackin...
“Backlog梳理(backlog grooming)”实践升级为Scrum的官方元素,并纳入了《Scrum指南(the Scrum Guide)》。 2015年: James Coplien发表了文章《两人智慧胜过一人(Two Heads are Better Than One)》,它提供了结对编程的历史的概述,可以追溯到20世纪80年代中期(如果不是以前的话)。 2017年: Janet Gregory和Lisa Crisp...
Scrum中可以有一些基本概念,如backlog、Story、Task,Story有优先级、Task有估算时间等,这些在开发过程中都需要使用一种方式表达出来,以下为别人使用Excel对产品backlog和sprint backlog进行描述的两个示例: Simple Product Backlog Example Simple Sprint Backlog Example ...
Done: Sprint backlog items that have been completed With this visual, the entire team can see how the sprint is going and inspect and adapt the sprint plan throughout the course of the sprint.Get started with this Scrum task board example Burndown charts Burndown charts are a visual repre...
Items not completed in a sprint are not moved to the next sprint, but instead are added back to the product backlog. Sprint Burndown Similar to the release burn down, the sprint burn down “visualizes” the work completed and remaining within a sp...
First, all user stories (𝑚=260m=260) were created and added to a product backlog (Step 1 in Figure 2). Bigger user stories were broken down into tasks (up to 20 tasks per user story). The user stories (𝑚=260m=260) were reviewed and analyzed to deliver the core system modules...
In addition to roles and ceremonies, Scrum projects also include certain tools and artifacts. For example, the team uses a Scrum board to visualize the backlog or a burndown chart to show outstanding work. The most common artifacts and methods are: ...