LeSS由Craig Larman和Bas Vodde共同设计,框架基于Scrum进行扩展,通过大大量的实践经验,糅合精益思想沉淀而成,支持企业以敏捷的方式进行大型产品研发,是一个轻量级的规模化敏捷框架。 1.3SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) (图3:SAFe框架的组件透视图) SAFe的设计和主要方法论由Dean Leffingwell主导,是另一个流行的规模化敏...
SAFe Scrum is an Agile method used by teams within an ART to deliver customer value in a short time box. SAFe Scrum teams use iterations, Kanban systems, and Scrum events to plan, execute, demonstrate, and retrospect their work.
LeSS由Craig Larman和Bas Vodde共同设计,框架基于Scrum进行扩展,通过大大量的实践经验,糅合精益思想沉淀而成,支持企业以敏捷的方式进行大型产品研发,是一个轻量级的规模化敏捷框架。 1.3SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) (图3:SAFe框架的组件透视图) SAFe的设计和主要方法论由Dean Leffingwell主导,是另一个流行的规模化敏...
Scaled Agile Framework(SAFe) 认证 证书颁发组织:Scaled Agile, Inc.认证包括:SAFe Agilist (SA): 针对领导者,侧重于大规模敏捷转型。SAFe Scrum Master (SSM): 针对企业级规模化敏捷教练 SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM): 针对产品负责人和产品经理。...还有系列针对不同角色的认证,此处省略。考...
Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) empowers complex organizations to achieve the benefits of Lean-Agile software and systems development at scale. 企业敏捷 Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 是一个大规模敏捷框架,它不仅包括团队敏捷,还包括了价值流、投资组合、项目集等层级的敏捷管理方法和架构。它基于精益...
However, we can be sensible about this and understand the meaning to be fast delivery and maximising any of the other elements of value we have already covered. Scaled Agile Framework We will now look at the Scaled Agile Framework for our next set of values. The SAFe has 4 core values, ...
Example: Fitbit successfully used Scrum to deliver to their clients on time and schedule. However, as their customer base grew, they had to pivot to SAFe to scale. 9. Scrum vs Scaled Agile Framework: Timeframe Going over Agile Scrum vs SAFe by timeframe, Scrum, teams typically operate ...
SAFe是大规模敏捷框架(Scaled Agile Framework)的简称。SAFe融合了精益、敏捷和DevOps,它是一个知识库,囊括了大量已被证明的精益敏捷实践和能力。SAFe大规模敏捷框架,从一个更高的视角、从打造精益敏捷企业的视角,为上述的这些问题和挑战提供了可参考的实践集,因此受到了许多大规模企业的青睐,成为了全球最受欢迎和...
Scaled Agile Framework,或称其为 SAFe,是敏捷的“企业版” 。简而言之,如果您的业务增长突飞猛进,可能会变得难以驾驭或完全不同,SAFe 提供了一种方法,使敏捷实践可以与您一起成长。它还将帮助您保持增长的可管理性和生产力。 客户及其需求仍然是 SAFe 的核心,但它为组织内的角色和职责提供了一个剧本,以实现这...
it often is customized in some way to accommodate needs of specific project situations. It can easily be combined with some other methods, such as Extreme Programming (XP), Lean, and Kanban. It is also the foundation of other more specific agile methods, such as the Scaled Agile Framework ...