As Scrum Master you will work within a large IT division focused on the development and maintenance of software products within the business. You will serve and lead Scrum teams and enable change in the way the client operates, improving effectiveness, efficiency, and strong business/IT alignment...
Project Manager在指定的约束条件下,代表项目委员会(Project Board)运行项目,并在整个项目期间与项目委员会和项目保证部门保持联络(Project Assurance)。Project Manager通常来自于客户方。他们负责所有的PRINCE2流程,除了指导项目并管理产品交付(Directing a Project and Managing Product Delivery)流程外。 来源:PRINCE2 wik...
Scrum and Agile are important terms in the world of project and product management. These frameworks have changed the way teams work, especially in software development. Scrum comes with its own unique terminology and workflow though, which will be unfamiliar to those not used to working in this...
传统项目管理,也被称为“瀑布式项目管理”(Waterfall Project Management),是一种以线性和顺序为核心...
燃尽图(burn down chart)是一个公开展示的图表,显示当前冲刺中未完成的任务数目,或在冲刺订单上未完成的订单项的数目。不要把燃尽图与挣值图相混淆。A burn down chart could be flat for most of the period covered by a sprint and yet the project could still be on schedule. ...
《敏捷项目管理-(美)施瓦伯著-Scrum_Project_Management》.pdf,敏捷项目管理 陈宗斌 译 敏捷开发方法流行于那些发现传统瀑布法无法适应这个由改变、革新而驱动的世界的要求的 企业。既然敏捷开发过程带来更好的结果,那么也能将这个方法应用于整个 IT 投资组合中。 在一个企
6. What is a Project Manager? The project manager’s role is inclusive of a wide spectrum of duties where he/she has to execute his project management expertise and knowledge to make the project successful. In the real world, the roles and responsibilities of an agile project manager are no...
Scrum project management is largely dependent on communication for building team collaboration and trust. The process has to be transparent, and for this type of transparency, members need to work on their internal communication skills to express the ideas and concerns properly. ...
In the context of project management, what can we say about Scrum's alignment with CMMI? The aim of our paper is to present the mapping between CMMI and the agile method Scrum, showing major gaps between them and identifying how organizations are adopting complementary practices in their ...
Without doubt, Scrum is one of most popular agile methodologies now. It, however, is not easy to apply it to project management. Considering about the following situations please: 1. If the culture of your organization is contradictious with Scrum, and your leader always interrupts you during ...