Similar words: scrum | scrub | shrub | scrubs | verb: to clean something by rubbing it hard, perhaps with a brush and usually with soap and water擦洗;刷洗 I found him in the kitchen, scrubbing the floor.我见他在厨房擦地板呢。 She scrubbed the counters down with bleach.她用漂白剂把柜...
“scrub”一词可能源自“shrub”(灌木),随着语言的发展,“shrub”逐渐演变为“scrub”,并引申出擦洗、刷洗等含义。 词缀分析 “scrub”本身并没有明显的词缀结构,它是一个基础词汇。 发展历史和文化背景 “scrub”一词最初可能用于描述灌木丛这种自然景象,后来随着语言的发展,逐渐引申出擦洗、刷洗等动作含义,以及...
中文词源 scrub 刷洗,擦洗,灌木丛 来自shrub 拼写变体,词义由灌木引申为扫帚,刷子,刷洗,擦洗等。比较 broom,扫帚,原 义为灌木。 词组短语 1、scrubbeefwood [网络] 擦牛肉 2、scrubbird [网络] 薮鸟 3、scrubbrush 板刷 4、scrubfowl [鸟类]冢雉科(Megapodiidae)鸟 ...
scrub n (bush, shrubby area)灌木地带;低矮丛林地There was some scrub between the forest and the open fields.树林和旷野之间有一片灌木地带。 scrub n (exfoliating product)磨砂膏Using a scrub is the gentlest way to exfoliate.磨砂膏是一种最轻柔的去角质方法。 其他翻译 scrub n US (sports: substi...
He scrubbed the dirt off his boots. 他把靴子上的脏土擦掉。 The table needs to bescrubbed clean. 这桌子要擦干净。 scrub at She scrubbed at her face with a tissue. 她用一张纸巾擦脸。 ►seethesaurusatclean→4See picture on见图Page A3Cleaning清洁;打扫→5see picture at见图clean2 ...
common small shrubby pine of the eastern United States having straggling often twisted or branches and short needles in bunches of 2 相关词汇 【近义词】 Virginia pine 弗吉尼亚松,泽西松... Pinus virginiana 矮松 Jersey pine 泽西松 【邻近词汇】 scrub Scrubey 展开全文 大家正在查 scrum-pox是...
glaswisk, kradn, krann是“scrub"到 凯尔特文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:scrub ↔ (n.) glaswisk scrub adjective verb noun 语法 Mean; dirty; contemptible; scrubby. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-凯尔特文字典 glaswisk (surgeon) langbot kradn hanow kuntellek langbot krann hanow kun...
沪江词库精选scrub oak是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语 胭脂栎 英语解释 any of various chiefly American small shrubby oaks often a dominant form on thin dry soils sometimes forming dense thickets 相似短语 scrub oak胭脂栎 ...
1. shrub => scrub. 2. sc- (谐音“时刻”) + rub => 时时刻刻都在擦洗、摩擦(rub). 3. "擦洗"的含义可能源于最初使用矮灌木树的枝条做成的擦洗工具。 中文词源 scrub刷洗,擦洗,灌木丛 来自shrub 拼写变体,词义由灌木引申为扫帚,刷子,刷洗,擦洗等。比较 broom,扫帚,原 义为灌木。