const React = require('React'); const PropTypes = require('prop-types'); const ReactNative = require('ReactNative'); const RCTScrollViewManager = require('NativeModules').ScrollViewManager; const ScrollView = require('ScrollView'); @@ -37,22 +36,124 @@ const DEFAULT_SCROLL_CALLBACK_THROTTL...
There is no way to hide the scrollbar in a scrollview in React Native. I have a scrollview in react native and I want to hide the scrollbar. How can I do that? A: You can use showsHorizontalScrollIndicator and showsVerticalScrollIndicator props of ScrollView to hide horizontal and vertica...
EldarMuhamethanov deleted the e.muhamethanov/7699/-custom-scroll-view-native-approach branch October 22, 2024 08:32 This was referenced Oct 24, 2024 doc(CustomSelect): remove props autoHideScrollbar #7823 Merged fix(CalendarTime): fix picker width #7831 Merged Sign up for free to joi...
HorizontalScrollbarHeight 傳回水準捲軸的高度。 (繼承來源 View) HorizontalScrollbarThumbDrawable 如果水準捲軸存在,則傳回目前設定的 Drawable,否則傳回水準捲軸的指紋。 -或- 定義水準指紋可繪製 (繼承來源 View) HorizontalScrollbarTrackDrawable 如果水準捲軸存在,則傳回目前設定的 Drawable,否則傳回水準...
(!mScrollEnabled) { return false; } try { if (super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev)) { NativeGestureUtil.notifyNativeGestureStarted(this, ev); ReactScrollViewHelper.emitScrollBeginDragEvent(this); mDragging = true; enableFpsListener(); return
I have to go back to another screen and come back and then I can scroll with the new content. Am I missing something, can I call something so the new size is "registered" and the scrollview reacts to it's new size and allow me to scroll?
Returns the height of the horizontal scrollbar. (Inherited from View) HorizontalScrollbarThumbDrawable Returns the currently configured Drawable for the thumb of the horizontal scroll bar if it exists, null otherwise. -or- Defines the horizontal thumb drawable (Inherited from View) HorizontalScrol...
Returns the height of the horizontal scrollbar. (Inherited from View) HorizontalScrollbarThumbDrawable Returns the currently configured Drawable for the thumb of the horizontal scroll bar if it exists, null otherwise. -or- Defines the horizontal thumb drawable (Inherited from View) HorizontalScrol...
入れ子になったスクロール操作が正常に要求されたことをReactします。 (継承元 ViewGroup) OnOverScrolled(Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) オーバースクロール操作の結果に応答するために によって #overScrollBy(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) 呼び出されます。 (...
I have to go back to another screen and come back and then I can scroll with the new content. Am I missing something, can I call something so the new size is "registered" and the scrollview reacts to it's new size and allow me to scroll?