On PrimeNg 17.8.8, it was also broken, with the bugs stated below. (#16185) If I set the virtualScrollItemSize to be less than 50, when I to scrolled to the very bottom of the virtual scrolling, lazy loaded table, I was unable to see the very last few rows in the table, and ...
FTScroller is a cross-browser Javascript/CSS library to allow touch, mouse or scrollwheel scrolling within specified elements, with pagination, snapping and bouncing support. - ftlabs/ftscroller
Are you toggle-on "Open in Fill screen" feature when publishing? Here are some tips: Improvements in standard and full screen view: If the artboard width is greater than the available horizontal space, the prototype scales to fit the width with no horizontal scrolling....
I had a slightly different problem with mouse wheel scrolling; the scroller would jump WAY too far with each click of the wheel. I figured out a solution that I think is much simpler than trying to subclass the scrollbar or intercept mouse wheel events. The viewport for a scroller dictates...
Brings back pixel-perfect scrolling on my trackpad, just like macOS, but it still can't actually tell the difference between when I flick, and when I simply pause scrolling. This is probably because it interprets the normal mouse wheel events instead of actually listening to the trackpad ges...
Item Scroller Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4is an amazing creation that brings a lot of ease in the game. The goal of this modification is really simple that it helps in scrolling through the inventory through the mouse wheel. Previously it was a bit of manual to select the items one by one bu...
Clicking any mouse button while scrolling now stops scrolling. Updated in v0.5.2 Added support for VS 11. Updated in v0.5 Control + Middle click is now ignored by default. Updated in v0.4 Added "heavy handed mode" - Auto-scrolling now stops when middle-click scrolling and prevented after ...
By default, the "prerender margin" is equal to the screen height: this seems to be the optimal value for "Page Up" / "Page Down" navigation and optimized mouse wheel scrolling. This parameter is currently ignored because the default value seems to fit all possible use cases. VirtualScroller...
By default, the chart is changing while being scrolled. To redraw a chart only when the mouse button is released use thecontinuous()method. This may improve user experience when you show very large data sets. // prevent the scrolling while the button is not released yetchart.xZoom().conti...
This is a scroller java menu applet suitable for a sidebar navigation layout with the menu positioned at the side of your page. Messages of your choice display one after the other, and each message can be hyperlinked as a menu item. When you move the mouse over the menu, the display pau...