import'react-perfect-scrollbar/dist/css/styles.css'; Import the module in the place you want to use: importPerfectScrollbarfrom'react-perfect-scrollbar' Wrap you content in this component: <PerfectScrollbar> ...SCROLLBARCONTENTHERE...
If you prefer including scrollbar without css styles boundled inline to js file it's possible to import package without them. It's useful when you want to make custom css changes in scrollbars without using!importantin each line. varScrollArea=require('react-scrollbar/no-css'); ...
This is a wrapper to allow use perfect-scrollbar in React. To read documentation for versions < 1.0, please visit v0.2.5. Usage Install the package npm install react-perfect-scrollbar -S Import the css file if you have loader for css files: import 'react-perfect-scrollbar/dist/css/style...
Install the packagenpm install react-perfect-scrollbar -SImport the css file if you have loader for css files: import'react-perfect-scrollbar/dist/css/styles.css'; Import the module in the place you want to use: importPerfectScrollbarfrom'react-perfect-scrollbar' Wrap you content in this co...
Completely pollution-free UI, perfect scrollbar implemented through CSS. Latest version: 0.0.12, last published: a month ago. Start using react-easy-scrollbar in your project by running `npm i react-easy-scrollbar`. There is 1 other project in the npm re
今天给大家推荐一款在vue中使用的滚动条组件,之所以好用主要体现在轻量级以及这个组价是用css搞一个滚动条,保留了原有的滚动条,所以性能非常不过,这个组件的名字叫做:simplebar-vue,当然也有react和angular版本的,大家可去github上看下。 vue版本的simplebar的github地址: ...
今天给大家推荐一款在vue中使用的滚动条组件,之所以好用主要体现在轻量级以及这个组价是用css搞一个滚动条,保留了原有的滚动条,所以性能非常不过,这个组件的名字叫做:simplebar-vue,当然也有react和angular版本的,大家可去github上看下。 vue版本的simplebar的github地址 使用simplebar-vue的效果...
idiotWu js React implementation of smooth-scrollbar Version8.0.6LicenseMIT INSTALL Type:ESMDefault Version: Learn more FilesStatisticsBrowse CDN Statistics Requests0 Bandwidth0 Top version - 8.0.615 Selected files No files selected. Select the ...
Customizing the scrollbar elements in React Charts We’ve seen the elements of the scrollbar in the React Charts. Let’s see how to customize them. Arrow button The scrollbar in the React Charts component typically includes zoom buttons at the ends, which allow us to perform zooming in and...
系统使用了ArkTS作为开发语言,那这些代码的在底层的解释运行的环境是自研的还是用的开源的,比如v8、jscore?另外系统也适配了React Native引擎,是不是也是复用的这个运行环境 ArkTS里的数据类型转换方法有哪些?和TS是一致的吗 是否支持开发者自行管理线程数量 是否支持模块的动态加载?如何实现 如何实现AOP(代码插...