tailwind-scrollbar-hide是一个基于tailwindcss的插件,它可以隐藏浏览器的滚动条。该插件提供了一组类名,可以轻松地将滚动条从你的网站中隐藏掉。这些类名包括: - scrollbar-hidden: 隐藏滚动条 - scrollbar-auto: 仅在需要时显示滚动条 - scrollbar-thin: 使用较细的滚动条 - scrollbar-thumb-rounded: 使...
以下是全部代码,基于vue+tailwindcss <template></template>import{Ref,onMounted,ref}from'vue';constfwidth:Ref<number>=ref(1200)constfheight:Ref<number>=ref(600)constscrollbarWidth:Ref<number>=ref(0)onMounted(()=>{console.log('content scripts onMounted')letinner=document.getElementById...
Thanks, didn't see that with overlay scrollbars when developing it, will be fixed shortly Collaborator atomiks commented Mar 26, 2023 Side-note: the middle section looks quite narrow for you, Tailwind typography uses the ch char but maybe should just use rem here...Sign...
To make the inner pink div expand to 100% height of the screen without causing a scrollbar, you can use a combination of CSS properties. Here’s how you can achieve this using Tailwind CSS: Remove Fixed Height:Avoid using fixed heights for the inner div. Useflex-grow:Set the pink div ...
utilities_visually-hidden.md.js components/demo/DialogToaster/tailwind index.vue tailwind.config.js content/components dialog.md package.json packages/radix-vue/src/DismissableLayer utils.ts pnpm-lock.yaml 4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions 4 docs/.vitepress/.temp/@localSearchIndex...