public.css,scroll-item是自定义类,类似于指令效果,加上clssname就自动生成scrollbar。之所以不用指令,是因为无法修改element-ui组件,用classname方便一点。transfer-main类好像是我用的另外一个插件里面的。 .scroll-item,.el-table__body-wrapper,.el-transfer-panel__list,.transfer-main { position: relative; o...
}else{ this.isFixedTop=false } } } } }) 135 为el-tabs到浏览器顶部的距离,这里可以传入动态参数动态获取,我这里没有必要了 css 部分(需求不同,仅供参考) /* 滚动导航顶部贴顶效果 */ .tabs-fixed-top{ .el-tabs__header{ width:100%; position: fixed; top:40px; left:0; z-index:20; paddi...
既然要解决滚动条造成的问题那么首先需要了解滚动条,即scrollbar的信息主要就是他的宽度,我们把页面的overflow置为scroll,那么滚动条就会默认占据了空间,下面代码就可以很容易得到其宽度了: CSS: 先把body的间距置为0 * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } html { overflow-y: scroll; } JS: 用视口的innerWidth减去...
Props 参数说明类型可选值默认值 position容器 css positionstring"-moz-initial" | "inherit" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "-webkit-sticky" | "absolute" | "fixed" | "relative" | "sticky"'relative' axes开启功能的轴string"both" | "x" | "y" | "none"'both' ...
The size and position of absolutely and fixed-positioned elements may also change. By default, the browser only shows a classic scrollbar when the page overflows, but the page can force the scrollbar (or empty scrollbar track) to be shown and hidden via the CSS overflow property....
If a browser window is partially sized (or fully sized at a lower screen resolution) and the CSS is modified from the below to use fixed position for the top and left (with the re-size viewport call left out) - any part of the flipbook out of sight will adopt the current browser win...
fixed;*/ } QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { background: url(images/scrollbar-vertical-bg.png); height: 0px; subcontrol-position: bottom; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { background: url(images/scrollbar-vertical-bg.png); height: 0px; subcontrol-position: top...
How do I get / set the scroll position of an element I applied OverlayScrollbars to? If you applied OverlayScrollbars to the body element you can use window.scrollX, window.scrollY, window.scroll, window.scrollTo, window.scrollBy or any other native api. If the plugin was applied to...
html{overflow-y:scroll;// 兼容ie8,不支持:root, vw}:root{overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;}:root body{position:absolute;}body{width:100vw;overflow:hidden;} 3. 内部容器做兼容 代码语言:javascript 复制 .wrapper{overflow-y:scroll;// fallbackoverflow-y:overlay;} ...
AutofitToFirstFixedWidthCell AutoFormatOverride AutoHyphenation AutomaticallySizeFormField AutomaticColorValues AutoRedefine AutoSpaceDE AutoSpaceDN AutoSpaceLikeWord95 BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth BarBorder BasedOn 行为 Behaviors BetweenBorder BiDi 双向mbedding 双向Override BiDiVisual BlockQuote ...