This change is basically equivalent with what we did for bug 1788029 but for `scroll-snap-align: start` cases. The test case was originally written by Daniel Holbert. Differential Revision: bugzilla-url:
snap-start scroll-snap-align: start; snap-end scroll-snap-align: end; snap-center scroll-snap-align: center; snap-align-none scroll-snap-align: none; Basic usage Snapping to the center Use the snap-center utility to snap an element to its center when being scrolled inside a...
information on scroll-snapping containers see thescroll-snap-typealmanac entry.scroll-snap-aligntells the browser which part of an element should be aligned when a snap point is encountered: Should the element snap to thestart,center, orendof the parent container that contains thescroll-snap-type... scroll-snap-align: none start; Note that one of the cases is actually using it incorrectly. [1] BigQuery query: SELECT, REGEXP_EXTRACT(bodies.body, r'(scroll-snap-...
Syntax /* Keyword values */scroll-snap-align:none;scroll-snap-align:start end;/* when two values set first is block, second inline */scroll-snap-align:center;/* Global values */scroll-snap-align:inherit;scroll-snap-align:initial;scroll-snap-align:revert;scroll-snap-align:revert-layer;scroll...
CSS scroll-snap-align属性表示框的捕捉区域在元素或容器的捕捉端口中的捕捉位置。 用法: scroll-snap-align:Keyword_Values; /* Or */scroll-snap-align:Global_Values; 属性值:scroll-snap-align属性接受上面提到和下面描述的两个值: keyword_Values:此属性引用关键字值,例如none,start,end,center等。
start The start alignment of this box's scroll snap area, within the scroll container's snapport is a snap position in this axis. end The end alignment of this box's scroll snap area, within the scroll container's snapport is a snap position in this axis. ...