I'm having a similar issue with the Logitech MX Master 3. For me, the horizontal scroll generally works, however the vertical scroll only works on the first column. If I move the page horizontally at all the vertical scroll no longer works, regardless of if the "scroll lock off" is che...
Press and holdCTRL+SHIFTand scroll your mouse wheel for horizontal scrolling. You can also useALT+Page UpandALT+Page Downto scroll horizontally. Read More:Excel Not Scrolling with Arrow Keys Solution 6 – Install MS Mouse and Keyboard Center ...
When I want to scroll horizontally in Chrome, all I do is hold down the shift key while using the mouse scroll wheel. Down moves to the right, up moves back. Loading... Reply Camila Permalink to comment# March 12, 2013 I am trying to get this to work in a single div, or rather...
... I don't get it... And especially since so many people already wrote about this on all kinds of forums & communities... I also found info here, but still no solution...https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/excel-how-to-scroll-horizontally/5f9fb0ae-467......
Is there a way to get it so that when you scroll the mouse wheel, something will move horizontally (aka, scroll)? My first thought was to add an event listener on the mouse and call a function that changes the x position of a movieclip example: stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Mouse...
I have the exact same problem (scrolls some pixels horizontally and then refuses to do anything) also in Chromium-based browsers like Opera, but not, for example, in Excel or LibreOffice Calc or Firefox. So I assume there is an incompatibility between the horizontal scroll handling of Chromium...
Scrolling: Moving the content vertically or horizontally by dragging the scrollbar thumb or using the scroll wheel on a mouse. Panning: Moving content vertically or horizontally using touch or pen input. For more info about scrolling and panning, seeGuidelines for panning. ...
Mouse scrolls horizontally instead of vertically If you are facing an issue where you find that the mouse scrolls horizontally, use these suggestions to fix the issue: If you have the horizontal scroll bar displayed and hover the mouse pointer over it, and then scroll the mouse wheel, you wil...
This topic is empty. Hi, I want a horizontally scrolling website and find a solution using Flexbox. The scroll and divs are showing as I want. But, the problem is- I can’t scroll by mouse wheel. Is there any way to do that using CSS or do I need to use JS for that?
Scrolling by mouse works vertically and horizontally if the PictureBox overlaps the respective bounds of the the panel. MouseWheel-events work also.I would like to implement the following: Ctrl + MouseWheel = HorizontalScroll, Shift + MousWheel = Zoom, <nothing>+MouseWheel = VertikalScroll. ...