tailwind-scrollbar-hide是一个基于tailwindcss的插件,它可以隐藏浏览器的滚动条。该插件提供了一组类名,可以轻松地将滚动条从你的网站中隐藏掉。这些类名包括: - scrollbar-hidden: 隐藏滚动条 - scrollbar-auto: 仅在需要时显示滚动条 - scrollbar-thin: 使用较细的滚动条 - scrollbar-thumb-rounded: 使...
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 tailwind.config.js Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ module.exports = { theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], plugins: [require('tailwind-scrollbar-hide')], } 0 comments on commit e74cf6d Please...
Tailwindcss插件可自定义浏览器滚动条。 安装 # Using npm npm install -D @gradin/tailwindcss-scrollbar # Using Yarn yarn add -D @gradin/tailwindcss-scrollbar 然后将插件添加到tailwind.config.js文件。 module . exports = { theme : { // ... } , plugins : [ require ( '@gradin/tailwindcs...
以下是全部代码,基于vue+tailwindcss <template></template>import{Ref,onMounted,ref}from'vue';constfwidth:Ref<number>=ref(1200)constfheight:Ref<number>=ref(600)constscrollbarWidth:Ref<number>=ref(0)onMounted(()=>{console.log('content scripts onMounted')letinner=document.getElementById...
adoxography/tailwind-scrollbarPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork38 Star972 main 8Branches17Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Graham Still 3.1.0 Feb 11, 2024 ...
tailwindcss@2.2.19 Tailwind CSS Horizontal scroll card componentsBy kazuma0129 Horizontal scroll card componentsFork Upvote 41Share Pluralsight Upgrade your team on even the tightest budget Upgrade your team on budget with Pluralsight—expert content & hands-on practice to stay competitive! Try ...
jQuery UI API - .scrollParent() 所属类别 方法(Methods) | UI 核心(UI Core) 用法 描述:获取最近的可滚动的祖先。 返回:jQuery .scrollParent() 该方法不接受任何参数。 该方法查找最近的可滚动的祖先。换句话说,.scrollParent() 查找当前所选元素在其内
How to hide the scrollbar? Add scrollbar-width: none to the container: .noScrollbar { scrollbar-width: none; } <ScrollSnapper className="noScrollbar">...</ScrollSnapper> How to remove empty space when current page is shorter than the others? You can set max-height on the container an...
You can ignore most of the code here, it’s just some simple elements, with some styling fromTailwindCSS. The important part is this block: initial="hide"whileInView="show"exit="hide"variants={introHeaderVariants} I’ve told Framer Motion to start off with the “hide” variant, then ani...
className="flex space-x-3 overflow-x-scroll scrollbar-hide" // TailwindCSS {...events} ref={ref} // add the reference and the events to the wrapping div > <ChildrenComponent /> <ChildrenComponent /> <ChildrenComponent /> <ChildrenComponent /> <ChildrenComponent /> ); } ``` **I...