一、安装:在终端先创建一个新的环境,下载适合cellphoneDB的python版本 conda create-n cpdb python=3.8conda activate cpdb#激活环境 python3.8-m pip3 install cellphonedb-i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple 打开3.8版本的python python3.8 二、测试:是否安装成功 import cellphonedb cellphonedb.version ...
The scRNASeqDB is a useful resource for single cell transcriptional studies. This database is publicly available athttps://bioinfo.uth.edu/scrnaseqdb/. 展开 关键词: single cell RNA sequencing database expression profile cell type differential expression ...
二、使用Cell Ranger进行单细胞转录组测序数据(scRNA-Seq)的定量 cellrange count是 cellrange 中一个很重要的命令,用来对单细胞转录组数据进行基因组比对,细胞定量最终得到用于下游分析的单细胞表达矩阵(默认情况也会对表达矩阵进行聚类)。 在做定量之前,我们首先需要准备2组文件:原始fq文件以及物种的References(其中包...
硬核测评13种scRNA-seq可视化工具 单细胞交互式分析和可视化工具已被科研界广泛采用。它们使数据导入、公共数据访问和分析更容易为用户所用,并加速了科学的发展。 来自英国维康桑格研究所和土耳其盖布泽的大学的研究人员对13种常用的scRNA-seq交互式分析和可视化工具进行了测评,以帮助科研人员选择更适合自身实际的数据...
Scripts to deal with the scRNAseq of second rectal cancers and generate the graphs - DBprojects-lab/SCRectal
Hi, Thank you for the fantastic method for viral quantification and sharing various analyses notebooks. I am trying to apply your method to a large set of human 10x scRNAseq datasets of ~ 50 Billion reads in order to detect and quantify ...
(scRNASeqDB) by the University of Texas Health Science Center provides an excellent online database of human scRNASeq data. Site visitors can search the database by gene or by cell type. The database currently contains 38 datasets that encompass 200 different cell groups. From the website’s...